Published last paper from PhD dissertation | Sought out free coffee at seminars | Supervisor canceled at last minute | Added postdoc to your social media account | PhD lab-mate frantically emailed you for help |
Received invite to submit to predatory journal | Someone mistook you for an undergrad | Judged a poster competition | Experiment failed | Data file corrupted |
Experiment succeeded | Finally established a work/life balance | Explained what a postdoc is to family or friend | Used the phrase et. al., in an email | Submitted a grant or paper |
Wore headphones in empty house/office | Referred to housemates as co-workers | Remembered how awesome you are | Forgot how long ago you got your Ph.D. | Wore yoga pants on a conference call |
Automated your experiments | Finally got your code to work | Rewarded yourself for writing a paragraph | Stressed out over which health insurance to pick | Answered emails all day |