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Lucas Enright (Assoc)


Measuring the permittivity tensor of anisotropic DyScO3 to 110 GHz

Florian Bergmann, Meagan Papac, Nick Jungwirth, Bryan Bosworth, Tomasz Karpisz, Anna Osella, Lucas Enright, Eric Marksz, Angela Stelson, Chris Long, Nate Orloff
DyScO3 (DSO) is an attractive substrate on which to grow epitaxial thin films with extraordinary materials physics. However, its highly anisotropic permittivity

Testing dielectric slab mode excitation, non-rectangular conductor profiles and edge roughness as sources of additional loss in mmWave transmission lines

Florian Bergmann, Nicholas Jungwirth, Bryan Bosworth, Jason Killgore, Eric Marksz, Tomasz Karpisz, Meagan Papac, Anna Osella, Lucas Enright, Christian Long, Nathan Orloff
Losses in mmWave transmission lines often exceed first-principles predictions based on measurements of dc resistivity and the nominal conductor geometry. In our
Created March 10, 2021, Updated December 8, 2022