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Edge Cycling Supplier Scouting

manufacturing metal materials stacked on shelves
Credit: iStock/enviromantic

Edge Cycling Technologies, located in Dayton, Ohio, is the manufacturer of a bicycle saddle that reduces the pressure points that are created by conventional seats.

Owners Shane Page and John Massengale were both about to hang up their bicycles because of the pain caused by the conventional bicycle saddle. Then the two got to talking about developing a saddle that fits the human anatomy. Shane had a rough design in mind and conveyed the design to an engineer who developed a model in CAD software. One of the many challenges for entrepreneurs or business owners developing a new product is identifying the suppliers for the various components of their assembly. For help, Page and Massengale turned to FASTLANE, part of the Ohio MEP and the MEP National Network™.

FASTLANE helped us vet the various local manufacturing suppliers to develop our supply chain for the bicycle saddle assembly.

— Shane Page, Owner

FASTLANE understood the needs of Edge Cycling and helped them navigate the startup journey. FASTLANE works with manufacturers, engineers and solution providers throughout the greater Dayton region to stay informed of programs and capabilities to help companies succeed and make the connections they need. The team at FASTLANE introduced Page and Massengale to additive manufacturing assistance and helped vet suppliers for the various components of the product by using FASTLANE's supplier scouting capabilities and network of manufacturers across the greater Dayton region.


  • $200,000 in increased or retained sales
  • 2 created or retained jobs
  • $100,000 in new investment
  • $20,000 in cost savings

Could your company benefit from assistance with supplier scouting? Connect with your local MEP Center for more information.


The Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership (Ohio MEP) is the official representative of the MEP National Network in Ohio. The MEP National Network is a unique public-private partnership that helps small and medium-sized manufacturers generate business results and thrive in today’s technology-driven economy. The MEP National Network comprises the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP), the 51 MEP Centers located in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

About the author

Ohio Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Ohio MEP helps Ohio's small and medium-sized manufacturers to increase sales, create jobs and generate cost savings through technological innovation, workforce training and improved management practices. Small and medium-sized manufacturing companies are critical to Ohio, representing 90% of job growth for high-paying jobs. For every new manufacturing job that is created or retained, three to five supporting jobs are also created.

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