NIST is anticipating future trends in metrology with the Digital NIST project. This will modernize transmission methods for calibration certificates and SRM Certificates of Analysis and may have future implications for our customers. NIST would like your input on your prospective calibration services and instrumentation needs as we develop solutions. We invite stakeholder participation in an upcoming workshop to help in the development of digitalization solutions.
NIST is seeking input from its stakeholders on the efforts of NIST to digitally transform its measurement services. NIST plans to host a virtual workshop September 28 & 29, 2022 to discuss the Digital NIST project. Earlier this year, NIST developed a pilot project to create examples of digital calibration reports and certificate of analysis for Reference Materials. These digital deliverables will be machine readable and enable the FAIR principles of data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
We are seeking input from the stakeholders and customers of NIST measurement services on this effort and, more broadly, the role of NIST in the digital transformation of metrology.
Developing Topics and breakout sessions include the following:
Data and unit formats for digital NIST calibration reports and certificate of analysis for Reference Materials
Modes of delivery for digital data and metrological traceability
Applications digital data provided by NIST
Potential for future digital services from NIST [e.g., remote calibrations, legal metrology, metrology cloud, etc.]