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CEO Roundtable Drives the Formation of a Cohesive Leadership Team

With the help of: FloridaMakes


EarthBalance® provides material and services to restore and protect land with native habitats, including wetlands, uplands, shorelines, and other lands regulated for environmental protection. The company mobilizes its well-trained workforce, specialized equipment, and plant material under professional supervision and strict safety standards in North Port, Florida. Their team consists of several environmental scientists with expertise in federal permitting and protected species surveys, as well as designing and implementing ecosystem restoration projects.  

The Challenge

Sarah Laroque became president and CEO of EarthBalance without much experience running a business. She was unsure what to expect from being CEO and how she could best overcome the challenges that brought, like leading the team and putting the right people in the right places.
The group environment is a great setting to talk through problems confidentially and helps me think through solutions. I have learned that my problems are not unique to just me. There is accountability in the group, and we need to implement solutions and report results back to the group. The experience has given me confidence to speak up and share problems even if they seem silly – I find someone else has had a similar issue.”
— Sarah Laroque, CEO & President

MEP's Role

Laroque turned to the CEO roundtable program run by GrowFL, a partner organization with FloridaMakes, part of the MEP National Network™, for the benefit of interacting with other CEOs. The CEO roundtable was a place where she could get input on the challenges of day-to-day leadership in her new position. When it came to leading the team, the questions and pointers from the group helped her to see how she can move forward and work with her old boss while being the “new boss.”


The suggestions and shared best practices from CEO Roundtable members helped her tackle personnel issues and get her leaders in the right seats for business growth. Laroque says their leadership team is the most cohesive it has ever been. Laroque first joined the program in 2018 and plans to continue her participation.

Created August 4, 2022, Updated December 15, 2023