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Loren Minnich (Fed)

Weights and Measures Coordinator

Loren brings extensive expertise with the interpretation and application of NIST Handbooks 44, 130, and 133. He has also served in numerous leadership roles within the Kansas state weights and measures program, regional weights and measures associations, and the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) participating on and chairing various standing committees, task groups, and subcommittees.

Loren joined the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Weights and Measures, as an Inspector in 2006, inspecting scales and conducting price verification and package inspections. In 2014, he became the Market Equity Protection Program supervisor for the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Weights and Measures. In this position he was responsible for training new employees, providing continued professional development to inspection staff, and developing continuing education materials for service agents licensed in the state. As a member of the Central Weights and Measures Association Loren served on the Specification & Tolerances Committee from 2013-2017, ending his term as Chairman, and was a member of the Nominating Committee from 2018-2019. He joined the National Conference on Weights & Measures in 2015. He has been a member of the National Type Evaluation Program Belt Conveyor/Weighing Sector and Grain Analyzer Sector since 2017, served as a Presiding Officer in 2018, as the Chairman of the Point-of-Sale Tare Task Group from 2018 to 2019, as a member of the Specification & Tolerances Committee from 2018-2020 serving as Chair from 2019 to 2020, and was elected to the Board of Directors, serving from 2020 to 2023.




2024 NIST Summary of U.S. Legal Metrology Activities

Juana Williams, John McGuire, Loren Minnich, Gloria Lee, Jan Konijnenburg, Isabel Baucom, Katrice Lippa
The NIST Office of Weights and Measures (OWM) presents its second issue of the 2024 NIST Annual Summary of U.S. Legal Metrology Activities report. This report

Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods

John McGuire, David Sefcik, Loren Minnich, Isabel Baucom, Katrice Lippa
This handbook has been prepared as a procedural guide for the compliance testing of net content statements on packaged goods. Compliance testing of packaged
Created April 12, 2023, Updated August 30, 2023