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With the help of: Missouri Enterprise


Black Body Corporation Industries, Inc. (BBC), located in Pacific, Missouri, was founded in 1967. BBC Industries is a manufacturer of infrared heaters, components, and equipment that are optimized and configured for several different uses. Major product lines include screen printing, comfort heating, process heating, and packaging. BBC also produces and sells many trademarked pieces of equipment. The company has approximately 32 employees and sells its products both domestically and internationally. The current ownership has been in place for over 25 years.

The Challenge

BBC Industries is committed to delivering the best products for their customers. Because of that, BBC Industries holds standards high for their employees, and to maintain those high standards they must always assess their current workforce and ensure they have the right employees in the correct positions. At the time of this project, BBC Industries had several new employees in management and supervisory roles that had little to no formal leadership training. BBC wanted to put them through formal training, so they had the tools necessary to be able to manage people. They also felt the need for these employees to have training in people skills and gain the ability to communicate effectively across functional lines. So, after discussing current workforce problems with the President of BBC Industries, it was decided to turn to Missouri Enterprise, part of the MEP National Network™, to help facilitate this training.
The support and training that Missouri Enterprise has provided to BBC Industries have been exceptional and overall effective. We have and will continue to turn to Missouri Enterprise for assistance when the need arises.
— Brent Thompson, Director of Operations

MEP's Role

Missouri Enterprise is the perfect solution for manufacturing companies like BBC Industries Inc. BBC Industries has a long-standing relationship with Missouri Enterprise and BBC knew they could ensure this training would help them achieve their goals. Missouri Enterprise experts sat down with each attendee and conducted a face-to-face interview to get a better understanding of their leadership potential. This interview helped Missouri Enterprise grasp what training courses would best fit the needs of the individual and the group. Once the interviews were complete, a list of training was determined and then delivered to the group. The training gave the attendees different skills and tools to bring back and implement in the organization. Due to this training, communication has improved, and BBC has implemented a formal performance review that holds people accountable when necessary.
Created April 28, 2023