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The Solid-State NMR Facility

300 MHz solid-state NMR

Ryan Nieuwendaal (MSED) and Drew Korovich (MSED) by the 300 MHz NMR

The newly renovated solid-state NMR facility at the NIST Material Measurement Laboratory houses two spectrometers, 300 MHz and 100 MHz, primarily used for materials science. The facility maintains solid-state NMR, pulsed field gradient (PFG) and micro-MRI capabilities for the measurement of morphology, chemical structure, dynamics, and transport in a wide range of materials, mostly polymers and soft matter. Our recent projects are (1) characterizing network morphologies, dynamics, and transport in highly crosslinked polyamide thin films used for water purification and (2) characterizing the chemistry, structure, and crosslinking of epoxies used for semiconductor packaging.

Ryan Nieuwendaal, 642:

Drew Korovich, 642:


300 MHz solid-state NMR

The 300 MHz spectrometer has been utilized for spin diffusion, REDOR, and diffusometry experiments, and comprises a wide-bore magnet, a four-channel console, a magic angle spinning controller, high power gradient amplifiers, and an automated chiller for low temperature magic angle spinning experiments. The spectrometer includes multiple NMR probes for magic angle spinning, CRAMPS, static wideline, pulsed field gradient, and micro-imaging experiments.

100 MHz solid-state NMR

The 100 MHz spectrometer comprises a wide-bore magnet, three channel console, magic angle spinning controller, and multiple magic-angle spinning probes. The spectrometer is mainly utilized for routine CPMAS experiments of a more quantitative nature. 

Scientific Opportunities/Applications

Recent Ph. D graduates with interests in solid-state NMR and materials science are encouraged to apply for the National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship. Application deadlines are February 1st and August 1st. There are currently two research opportunities: 

  1. Solid-State NMR for Molecular Transport and Polymer Segmental Dynamics in Water/Ion Swollen Polymer Membranes (RO # 50.64.21.B8293)
  2. Structure refinement of solid polymers using NMR and computational methods (RO # 50.64.21.C0359)
Created March 17, 2025