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Nine NIST Staff Become New APS Fellows

Nine staff members of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have been elected new fellows of the American Physical Society, the largest professional organization of physicists based in North America with approximately 46,000 members.  APS fellowships are a recognition of professional achievement as judged by peers and go to no more than one half of one percent of APS members each year.

The NIST researchers chosen as APS fellows this year include:

  • Samuel Benz, for inventing and developing the first Josephson junction array arbitrary waveform synthesizer and using it as a practical quantum-based AC voltage standard;
  • Scott Diddams, for major contributions to the development of optical frequency comb technology, and particularly for pioneering demonstrations of frequency combs in optical clocks, high resolution spectroscopy, and tests of basic physics;
  • Richard Harris, for creating remarkable and practical measurements and standards based on superconducting integrated circuits through technical leadership and personal contributions;
  • Dan Neumann, for seminal studies of the structure and dynamics of new carbon-based materials and critical leadership serving the U.S. neutron scattering community;
  • Jeffrey Nico, in recognition of his contributions and leadership in precision measurements and fundamental symmetry tests using cold neutrons and his contributions to radiochemical determinations of the p-p fusion solar neutrino flux;
  • Trey Porto, for seminal studies of ultracold atoms in optical lattices with applications to quantum information, many-body physics, and condensed matter models, and for the invention of optical lattice techniques including a superlattice for patterned loading, and a reconfigurable lattice of double wells;
  • Glenn Solomon, for extensive contributions to the study of quantum optics with quantum dots;
  • Richard Steiner, for his contributions to the development of the NIST Watt Balance and landmark measurements of the Planck constant, the electron charge, and the Avogadro constant; and
  • Taner Yildirim, for combining analytic theory, first-principles computations and neutron scattering measurements to design, discover and understand new materials with novel physics.

More information about the APS Fellowship program can be found at the APS Web page:

Released December 9, 2008, Updated February 3, 2025