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Document Control and Record Keeping

This 2 hour webinar will introduce the fundamentals of Laboratory Management System Document Control and Record Keeping that are necessary to successfully implement ISO/IEC 17025. There are no prerequisites for this webinar. 

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, using your notes and ISO/IEC 17025 or NIST HB 143, you will be able to:

  • LIST 3 properties of management system documents that must be controlled;
  • IDENTIFY at least 5 types of laboratory documents that must be controlled;
  • DEFINE the purpose of a Master List;
  • IDENTIFY the 5 phases of the document control process;
  • RECOGNIZE methods that are used to document revisions;
  • EXPLAIN the relationship between documents and records; and
  • IDENTIFY the types of typical laboratory records that must be maintained.

Technology Requirement(s):

The Webcast will be streamed in medium bandwidth (350kbs), so viewers needed to have a constant connection during the webcast.

  1. Hardware and operating system configurations:
  • Windows XP (Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11; Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome)
  • Windows Vista (Internet Explorer or Firefox)
  • Windows 7 or 8 (Mozilla Firefox; Google Chrome)
  • Apple Mac OS 10.5x (Mozilla Firefox; Apple Safari; Google Chrome)
  • Ubuntu Linux (Firefox only)
  • Media players: In order to access the event, you must have, at a minimum, Adobe® Flash® Player 11.2+ installed on your computer. Please visit is external) to download the Flash Player.
  • Internet browsers: In order to access the event, you must have either Microsoft Internet Explorer (Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11) or Mozilla Firefox 3+ browser for Windows operating systems. For accessing events via Mac operating systems you must have Mozilla Firefox 3+ or Safari 4.x.
  • Optional: If you have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before:
    Test your connection: is external)
    Get a quick overview: is external)
  • Materials & Supplies:



    There are no prerequisites for this webinar.


    • Read ISO/IEC 17025 (NIST HB 143) Section 4.3 Document Control and 4.13 Control of Records.
    • Write a short paragraph describing one challenge or difficulty you (or your laboratory) faces with document and record control.
    • Record the amount of time in minutes it takes you to complete the assignment.

    Pre-work Deadline:

    Submit the pre-work to the instructor by COB on August 20, 2015.

    Minimum Requirement(s):

    Completion includes completing pre-work assignment, full attendance, participation in the session activities and discussions.


    Laboratory personnel who have responsibilities for developing, implementing, and/or improving the quality management system in their laboratory as well as those who are seeking OWM recognition and/or accreditation or improvements to support recognition/accreditation. This course is available for non weights and measures participants. This webinar is also useful for administrative or management staff who help define the lab procedures or ensure items are filed/located appropriately for the laboratory. The concepts covered in the class are especially useful for other program applications, but the focus and activities are on laboratory procedures and applications.


    The current fee for webinars is $199 and confirmed participants will be provided a link to make a payment. Registration fees for State weights and measures regulatory officials and metrologists are funded by NIST OWM.


    Elizabeth Gentry
    Office of Weights and Measures,
    Phone: (301) 975 - 3690


    NIST / Office of Weights and Measures

    Class No.

    Time: 02:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m. ET

    Registration Deadline: Wednesday, August 05, 2015

    Created October 1, 2014, Updated July 23, 2020