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Spring DNSSEC Policy-to-Practice Workshop Held at NIST

May 2008 -- The DNSSEC Deployment Initiative held a hands-on, policy-to-practice workshop for U.S. government DNS operators May 15-16 at the NIST campus in Gaithersburg, Maryland. There were 15 participants from 11 different organizations present, and the workshop was conducted by members of ITL and Sparta Inc contractors. Attendees learned how to deploy DNSSEC to meet the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) security controls. At least one participant is continuing their deployment through an active delegation in the Secure Naming Infrastructure (SNIP) pilot domain. The SNIP and hands-on workshops are part of the DNSSEC Deployment Initiative sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T). Another workshop is tentatively scheduled for fall of 2008. More information can be found at

Created June 4, 2009, Updated May 13, 2016