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Human-Centered Cybersecurity Head
Credit: NIST

Championing the Human in 
Information Technology

The Visualization and Usability Group is located in the Information Access Division of the Information Technology Laboratory. The Group performs research to develop user-centered measurement and evaluation methods, guidelines, and standards by applying human factors, cognitive science, user-centered design, and usability principles to improve human system interaction. We are a multi-disciplinary group of human factors engineers and computer scientists.

Using a human-centered design approach, we develop and design systems to make these interactive systems more usable. We focus on the user of the system and apply human factors, usability knowledge and usability techniques.


Current Projects

Human-Centered Cybersecurity

Human-Centered Cybersecurity Dial
Credit: Adobe Stock

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence

Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Display
Credit: Adobe Stock


Voting Usability

Voting Usability
Credit: Adobe Stock

Usability Standards

Usability Standards
Credit: Adobe Stock

