The current year test is MER 2013. When the MED system concludes that a particular multimedia clip contains an instance of particular event, the system task is to then provide a recounting (in textual XML format) of the important evidence that led the MED system to so conclude. For each piece of evidence, the recounting must include both text summarizing the evidence and a list of one or more spatiotemporal pointers (in a text format) locating the evidence within the clip. NIST will provide a DTD for the XML format.
The Multimedia Event Recounting (MER) evaluation track is part of the TRECVid Evaluation. MER participants are the participants in the MED evaluation whose MED submission also includes a recounting for each clip. If no evidence of the event is found by the MED system, the recounting will include no evidence. The goal of MER is to build upon the technologies being developed under the NIST TRECVid Multimedia Event Detection (MED) evaluation track by developing technologies that recount the important evidence that led the MED system to conclude that a particular multimedia clip contains an instance of particular event. The use case is for a user to use the recountings to rapidly and accurately find clips of interest among those identified by a MED system. We refer to that task as "triaging" the set of MED results.