Attention: Note, beginning March 27, 2019, any new calibration quotes and orders must be submitted through the new NIST Storefront accessed here.
Dear NIST calibration customer:
Welcome to the NIST Calibration Website. We look forward to working with you to satisfy your measurement needs. Please contact us at if you cannot find the information here that you need, or if your measurement needs extend beyond the standard services presented here.
Please be advised that for non-U.S. government agencies, starting 01 January 2013, a new legal document (Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice) containing the NIST calibration service terms and conditions are required for all calibration services. This document is a Calibration Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (C-CRADA) between your company and NIST. In general, this C-CRADA protects your calibration information as well as providing you with a firm price quote, explaining invoicing information, and information on the NIST quality system and traceability. In addition to the legal terms and conditions, the Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice is used in two primary ways: 1) to create a firm price quote prior to submission of a company purchase order or 2) to create a firm price quote after receipt of a company purchase order. In either case, a signed copy of the Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice by the authorized company representative is required by NIST. The terms and conditions of the Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice supersede any conflicting and/or additional terms and conditions contained in a company's purchase order. A pdf version of the Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice is available for you to review from this webpage. If you have any questions, please contact (
For U.S. government agencies, an agreement is required in lieu of the Calibration Service Pro Forma Invoice. Please contact Martin Wilson ( for assistance.
James Kushmerick
Director, Physical Measurement Laboratory