Section 3 of the VVSG 1.0 contains requirements for usability and accessibility. NIST has incorporated changes to the usability test assertions, which were previously posted here, based on the comment period that ended on May 30, 2014, and has completed a draft set of test assertions for the accessibility requirements. Test assertions are measurable expressions that must be tested in order to evaluate conformance of an implementation (in this case a voting system) to a requirement. The goal of creating these test assertions is to make clear, to Testing Laboratories and manufacturers of voting systems, exactly what conditions of each requirement in the VVSG need to be tested in order to be certified by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC). Different Testing Laboratories, using this set of test assertions, should arrive at the same pass/fail results for each requirement in the VVSG, thus helping ensure uniformity in testing among Testing Laboratories. These test assertions were developed by NIST and distributed to Testing Laboratories and the Election Assistance Commission for their comments.
In developing these assertions, we first examined the VVSG 1.0 requirement. If the requirement was general, vague or ambiguous, we examined the discussion section of the VVSG 1.0 requirement, the equivalent VVSG 1.1 requirement, and the applicable portion of the VVSG 1.1 NIST test suite for further guidance. We included information from these sources as SHALLs (mandatory conditions) in the test assertions only if they helped clarify the VVSG 1.0 requirement in question.
A complete version of the VVSG 1.0 can be found at
These posted usability test assertions have already incorporated changes from the comments received and constitute the final version. Please send comments on the new accessibility test assertions, by November 15, 2014, to: hfp-test [at] (subject: Accessibility%20Test%20Assertions%20for%20VVSG%201.0%20section%203) (mailto:hfp-test[at]nist[dot]gov?subject=AccessibilityTest Assertions for VVSG 1.0 section 3).
You may provide comments directly in your email and/or provide comments by using Track Changes of MS-Word.
Usability Test Assertions for the VVSG 1.0, section 3, subsections:
3.1.1 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.2 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.3 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.4 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.5 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.6 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.1.7 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
Accessibility Test Assertions for VVSG 1.0, section 3, subsections:
3.2.1 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download | text format | tabular format | MS Word download | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.3 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.4 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.5 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.6 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.7 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download
3.2.8 | text format | tabular format | MS Word download