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The MML Microscopy Facility is administered by the Materials Science and Engineering Division of the Material Measurement Laboratory. The facility includes: three TEMs, three SEMs, specimen preparation equipment, and an image analysis center.
FEI Titan 80-300 STEM
300 keV, 200 keV and 80 keV accelerating voltages
0.136 nm point-to-point STEM resolution
0.19 nm point-to-point TEM resolution
1.8 nm Lorentz resolution
±45° specimen tilt
Energy loss spectroscopy
X-ray microanalysis
Electron biprism for holography
2k CCD image acquisition
Electron tomography holders
Electron transport/biasing holder
Analytical specimen holder
300 keV accelerating voltage
0.17 nm point-to-point resolution
±15° specimen tilt
Energy loss spectroscopy
Energy-filtered imaging (atomic scale)
X-ray microanalysis
MSC-CCD image acquisition
Scanning TEM capability
High temperature holder
Analytical specimen holder
Hitachi S-4700-II FE-SEM
1 to 30 keV accelerating voltage
1.5 nm resolution at 30 keV
2.5 nm resolution at 1 keV
70° specimen tilt
Electron back-scatter detector (CCD) system
Phase ID capability
X-ray microanalysis
Specimen sizes up to 150 mm diameter wafer
300 keV accelerating voltage
0.22 nm point-to-point resolution
±40° specimen tilt
X-ray microanalysis
Parallel energy loss spectroscopy
CCD camera
High temperature double-tilt holder
Low temperature single-tilt holder
Analytical double-tilt holder
5 to 30 keV accelerating voltage
5 nm resolution at 30 keV
Electron back-scatter detector system
Phase ID capability
>70° specimen tilt
X-ray microanalysis
Specimen Preparation
VCR Dimpler
Dimple Grinder
Tripod wedge polishers
Precision ion-polishing system (PIPS)
XLA2000 low angle ion mill (w/cold stage, ion termination)
Duo ion mill (w/LN2 cold stage)
Ultrasonic disc cutter
Diamond blade wafer cutter
Optical microscopes with digital image acquisition