8:30 Registration
8:50 Welcome, Dr. William Grosshandler, Deputy Director, BFRL, NIST
9:00 Context for meeting
Chair: Richard M. Duffy, Assistant to the General President, Occupational Health, Safety and Medicine, International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF)
10:00 What are fire retardants and why do we use them?
Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Gilman, Leader, Materials Flammability Group, Fire Research Division, NIST
10:45 Break
11:00 previous session continued
12:05 What happens to fire retardants and their products in the environment?
Chair: Leslie Boord, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, NIOSH
12:30 Lunch
1:15 previous session continued
2:45 Break
3:00 Are there health risks to fire fighters created by fire retardants?
Chair: Dr. Margaret Simonson McNamee, Research Manager, SP Technical Research Institute, Sweden
5:00 Where are our gaps in knowledge?
Open Session, Chaired by William Grosshandler, NIST
5:30 Adjourn
[1] An audio CD of the presentations is available by email request from shanille.nelson [at] nist.gov (shanille[dot]nelson[at]nist[dot]gov). Include your mailing address.