(Dollars in thousands)
FY 1999 | FY 2000 | FY 2001 Request | |
US/OTP | $9,495 | $7,945 (d) | $8,716 |
NIST | 640,625 | 635,798 | 712,991 |
Scientific & Technical Research & Services (STRS) | |||
Measurement and Standards Laboratories (MSL) | 274,882 | 277,235 (e) | 332,317 |
Baldrige National Quality Program (BNQP) | 4,850 | 4,903 | 5,191 |
Subtotal | 279,732 (a) | 282,138 (d) | 337,508 |
Industrial Technology Services (ITS) | |||
Advanced Technology Program (ATP) | 197,411 (a,b) | 142,600 | 175,467 |
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) | 106,768 (a,c) | 104,180 (d) | 114,137 |
Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (IIIP) | 0 | 0 (e) | 50,000 |
Subtotal | 304,179 (a,b,c) | 246,780 (d,e) | 339,604 |
Construction of Research Facilities (CRF) | 56,714 | 106,880 (d) | 35,879 |
NTIS | 0 (c) | 0 (e) | 0 |
Total TA Appropriations | 650,120 | 643,743 | 721,707 |
(a) Reflects a $525,000 rescission called for in PL 106-51: $404,000 STRS; $89,000 ATP; $32,000 MEP. (b) Reflects a $6 million rescission called for in PL 105-277. (c) Excludes Y2K transfer of $21 million for MEP and $1,193,000 for NTIS. (d) Reflects a $3,211,000 rescission called for in PL 106-113: $27,000 US/OTP; $994,000 STRS; $656,000 MEP; $1,534,000 CRF. (e) Excludes proposed supplementals of $1 million for STRS, $4 million for IIIP. In addition, a supplemental transfer of $4.5 million in budget authority for NTIS is not yet reflected. |