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Parallel Maximum-Likelihood Inversion for Estimating Wavenumber-Ordered Spectra in Emission Spectroscopy



H El-Sayed, M Salit, J Travis, J E. Devaney, William L. George


We introduce a parallelization of the maximum-likelihood cosine transform.This transform consists of a computationally intensive iterative fittingprocess, but is readily decomposed for parallel processing. The parallelimplementation is not only scalable, but has also brought the execution time of this previously intractable problem to feasible levels using contemporary and cost-efficient high-performance computers, including the SGI Origin 2000, SGI Onyx, and a cluster of Pentium PCs.
Proceedings Title
1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing
Conference Dates
September 21-24, 1999
Conference Location
Fukushima, 1, JA
Conference Title
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium


DparLib, maximum likelihood, MPI, parallel


El-Sayed, H. , Salit, M. , Travis, J. , Devaney, J. and George, W. (2000), Parallel Maximum-Likelihood Inversion for Estimating Wavenumber-Ordered Spectra in Emission Spectroscopy, 1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing, Fukushima, 1, JA (Accessed January 7, 2025)


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Created May 1, 2000, Updated October 12, 2021