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The CLEAR 2006 Evaluation


Rainer Stiefelhagen, Keni Bernardin, Rachel J. Bowers, John S. Garofolo, Djamel Mostefa, K Soundararajan


This paper is a summary of the first CLEAR evaluation on CLassification of Events, Activities and Relationships - which took place in early 2006 and concluded with a two day evaluation workshop in April 2006. CLEAR is an international effort to evaluate systems for the multimodal perception of people, their activities and interactions. It provides an until now missing international evaluation framework for such technologies. It aims to support the definition of common evaluation tasks and metrics, to coordinate and leverage the production of necessary multimodal corpora and to provide a possibility for comparing different algorithms and approaches on common benchmarks, which will result in faster progress in the research community. This paper describes the evaluation tasks, including metrics and used databases, that were conducted in CLEAR 2006, and provides an overview of the achieved results. The evaluation tasks in CLEAR 2006 included person tracking, face detection and tracking, person identification, head pose estimation, vehicle tracking as well as acoustic scene analysis. Overall, more than 20 subtasks were conducted, which included acoustic, visual and audio-visual analysis for many of the main tasks, as well as different data domains and evaluation conditions.
Conference Title
CLEAR 2006 Workshop


Evaluation, Video, Multimedia, Audio, Metrics


Stiefelhagen, R. , Bernardin, K. , Bowers, R. , Garofolo, J. , Mostefa, D. and Soundararajan, K. (1970), The CLEAR 2006 Evaluation, CLEAR 2006 Workshop (Accessed February 24, 2025)


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Created August 26, 2016, Updated January 27, 2020