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Blueprint for Radioanalytical Metrology CRM's



Kenneth G. Inn, Hiromu Kurosaki, Carole Frechou, Chris Gilligan, Robert Jones, Stephen LaMont, Jeff Leggitt, Chunsheng Li, Keith McCroan, Ronald Swatski


In 1977, the International Committee on Radionuclide Metrology's (ICRM) Low-Level Working Group (LLWG) workshop, a long-term blueprint for a new series of natural-matrix reference materials was developed. Over the ensuing decades national and social issues have shifted emphasis and a review of the original blueprint for radioanalytical metrology certified reference materials (CRMs), intercomparisons and proficiency evaluations is needed. A workshop was held 28 February to 2 March 2006 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to evaluate the needs for new directions for complex matrix reference materials certified for radionuclide content, interlaboratory comparisons and performance testing programs. The workshop identified new radioanalytical metrology thrust areas needed for environmental (water treatment, ultra-low actinide monitoring, geochemistry, waste acceptance), radiobioassay (occupational monitoring and emergency preparedness), emergency consequence management (population monitoring and urban restoration), and nuclear forensics, attribution, non-proliferation and safeguards (environmental monitoring, radiochronology, and low-level isotopic ratio measurements). New certified reference materials for each of these new thrust areas were identified, and most of the efforts to develop new intercomparisons and performance evaluation programs were identified as important but left for future development.
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities


CRMs, emergency response, environmental, intercomparisons, nuclear forensics, performance evaluations, radiobioassay


Inn, K. , Kurosaki, H. , Frechou, C. , Gilligan, C. , Jones, R. , Lamont, S. , Leggitt, J. , Li, C. , McCroan, K. and Swatski, R. (2008), Blueprint for Radioanalytical Metrology CRM's, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (Accessed January 13, 2025)


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Created October 16, 2008