In December 1999, NIST changed to a sole partnershipwith the American Institute of Physics (AIP) inpublishing the Journal of Physical and ChemicalReference Data (JPCRD). Since that time, AIP hasvigorously marketed the journal and the number ofprint subscribers has stabilized. More importantly, AIPhas included the journal in package offerings to consortiaof academic and non-profit organization institutions.In late September 2003, AIP announced that thenumber of online subscribers had risen from 470to today s total of 1128 institutions. The great increasedramatically improves the availability of NISTstandard reference data and once again demonstratesthe revolutionary nature of online dissemination.The Journal of Physical and Chemical ReferenceData is an internationally renowned publicationfeaturing articles evaluating published scientific data.Subjects include thermodynamics, thermophysics,atomic and molecular spectra, electron, atomic andmolecular collisions, surface science and solubilities ofsubstances. Articles in the journal are not subject topage constraints and contain comprehensive tables ofrecommended data values as well as detailed explanationsof evaluation criteria and reviews of data generationprocedures. About 50 % of the journal articles areauthored by NIST data experts and the remainder comefrom scientists throughout the world. Since its inceptionin 1972, the journal has published over 626articles, nine monographs, and 12 supplements,making it one of the largest ongoing handbooks ofevaluated chemical and physical data in the world.CONTACT: Geraldine Dalton, (301) 975-2214;