NIST MEP Center State Competition FY2025 – Closed January 9, 2025
The NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), authorized by 15 U.S.C. § 278k, is seeking applications from eligible applicants to enter into a cooperative agreement to operate an MEP Center in the following states: Texas, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Michigan, Virginia, Connecticut, North Carolina, Oregon, Colorado, and Indiana. The MEP Center will provide manufacturing extension services to small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMMs). The MEP Center will become part of the MEP National Network™, which consists of 51 MEP Centers located in every State and Puerto Rico, and over 1,440 trusted advisors and experts at approximately 460 MEP service locations. Learn More
NIST MEP Center State Competition for Florida FY2024 – Closed July 1, 2024
The NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), authorized by 15 U.S.C. § 278k, is seeking applications from eligible applicants to enter into a cooperative agreement to operate an MEP Center in the State of Florida. The MEP Center will provide manufacturing extension services to small and mid-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in the State of Florida. The MEP Center will become part of the MEP National Network™, which consists of 51 MEP Centers located in every State and Puerto Rico, and over 1,440 trusted advisors and experts at approximately 460 MEP service locations. Learn More
NIST MEP Expansion Awards Pilot Program (MEAPP) – Closed March 30, 2023
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites non-competitive applications from all current Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers to enter into cooperative agreements to implement projects to expand existing MEP capabilities to provide National Supply Chain Optimization and to establish a supply chain Intelligence Network. Learn More
2022 NIST MEP Center State Competition for Arizona and Maryland with District of Columbia – Closed October 30, 2022
The NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), authorized by 15 U.S.C. § 278k, is seeking applications from eligible applicants to enter into cooperative agreements to operate MEP Centers in the States of Arizona and Maryland with District of Columbia. These MEP Centers will provide manufacturing extension services to small and medium-sized manufacturers in the states outlined above. These new MEP Centers will become part of the MEP National Network™, which consists of 51 MEP Centers located in each State and in Puerto Rico, and over 1,400 trusted advisors and experts at more than 385 MEP service locations. When an MEP Center has operated for a period of 10 consecutive years, a competition must be conducted to select an eligible entity to operate the Center. The MEP Centers in these States are each nearing 10 consecutive years of operation. Learn More
2022 NIST MEP Center State Competition for Kentucky, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and South Dakota – Closed April 26, 2022
The NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), authorized by 15 U.S.C. § 278k, is seeking applications from eligible applicants to enter into cooperative agreements to operate MEP Centers in the States of Kentucky, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and South Dakota. These MEP Centers will provide manufacturing extension services to small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in the States outlined above. These new MEP Centers will become part of the MEP National Network™, which consists of 51 MEP Centers located in each State and in Puerto Rico, and over 1,400 trusted advisors and experts at more than 385 MEP service locations. When an MEP Center has operated for a period of 10 consecutive years, a competition must be conducted to select an eligible entity to operate the Center. The MEP Centers in these States are each nearing 10 consecutive years of operation. Learn More
MEP State Partnership Support Project FY 2021 – Closed March 17, 2021
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites applications from eligible applicants to provide in-depth collaborative support in developing and advancing collaborative relationships between the NIST MEP, MEP Centers, States and other stakeholders. This effort will help the MEP National Network to align programs and support systems to improve the competitiveness of the Nation’s manufacturers and to support the continuous improvement, growth, sustainability, supply chains, and innovation and technology acceleration in manufacturing. Learn More
Rolling Competitive Awards Program – Closed December 28, 2020
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites applications from current MEP Centers to add capabilities to the MEP Program, including the development of projects to solve new or emerging manufacturing problems, that are not already provided for under an applicant’s and its collaborating Center’s base MEP award. Themes for FY 17 include new manufacturing technologies of relevance to small and mid-size manufacturers, particularly those related to Industry/Manufacturing 4.0 (these technologies are described more fully in Section I.1. of the NOFO; supply chain management technologies and practices; and workforce intermediary and business services. However, so long as an application addresses the program priorities listed in Section I.2. of the NOFO, it need not focus upon any of the identified thematic areas to be considered for funding under the NOFO. Learn More
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Services – Closed February 6, 2020
NIST invites proposals from current recipients of Manufacturing Extension Partnership Center cooperative agreements (MEP Centers) to deploy advanced manufacturing technology services to U.S. manufacturers in the broad area of Industry / Manufacturing 4.0, with an emphasis on serving the technology-based needs of small U.S. manufacturers. For the purpose of this program, Industry / Manufacturing 4.0 includes any combination of technologies that, when implemented individually or collectively, enables the operation of digitally-connected, smart manufacturing systems within factories and across manufacturing supply chains. Implementation of these Industry / Manufacturing 4.0 technologies by small U.S. manufacturers should facilitate improved product quality and innovation, improved manufacturing process efficiency, and increased supply chain connectivity. Ultimately, this should result in small U.S. manufacturers being more competitive in the marketplace and being afforded business growth opportunities. Learn More
Cybersecurity for Defense Manufacturing – Closed May 22, 2019
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites applications from current MEP Centers or consortia of Centers to support efforts to add capabilities to the nationwide Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership program (HMEPP) relative to the cybersecurity requirements and best practices for outreach, education, and assistance to manufacturers seeking to participate in various supply chains for the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). The applicant selected pursuant to this NOFO will provide outreach, education, and technical assistance to U.S. manufacturers who supply products within DoD supply chains and who must implement adequate cybersecurity protections as required by DoD. This NOFO is being issued to support HMEPP’s implementation of an Interagency Agreement (IAA) executed in 2019 between HMEPP and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Learn More
Award Competition for a Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center in the State of Alaska – Closed October 23, 2018
NIST invites eligible organizations to submit an application for cooperative agreement funding for the operations of one (1) MEP Center in the State of Alaska. The MEP Center will provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) and will become part of the MEP National Network™. Learn More
Embedding MEP in Manufacturing USA Institutes Pilot Projects Round Three – Closed June 2, 2017
NIST invites proposals from current MEP Centers to pilot test approaches to provide needed technology acceleration assistance to small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as small U.S. manufacturers) through the establishment of meaningful and results oriented collaborations between the nationwide system of Centers operating as part of the NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program (hereinafter referred to as NIST MEP), and the public-private manufacturing innovation Institutes operating as part of Manufacturing USA (previously known as the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), and hereinafter referred to as Manufacturing USA Institutes). Learn More
Request for Information on Identification of New Capabilities Needed by the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program – Closed January 13, 2017
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would like your feedback to help prepare a 2017 federal funding opportunity that will allow Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers and their partners to add capabilities to the MEP program, including projects to solve new or emerging manufacturing problems.
Specifically, NIST requests information from small and medium-sized U.S. manufacturers related to their needs in four areas: critical manufacturing technologies; supply chain; potential business services, including information services; and other technologies or services that would enhance global competition. NIST also requests recommendations for other critical issues that it should consider in strategic planning for future investments.
Please see the Federal Register Notice for more information. Responses will be accepted at meprfi [at] (meprfi[at]nist[dot]gov) with the subject line “MEP Competitive Awards Program RFI Responses” until 11:59 p.m. Eastern on January 13, 2017.
Embedding MEP in Manufacturing USA Institutes Pilot Projects Round Two – Closed December 1, 2016
NIST invites proposals from current MEP Centers to pilot test approaches to provide needed technology acceleration assistance to small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as small U.S. manufacturers) through the establishment of meaningful and results oriented collaborations between the nationwide system of Centers operating as part of the NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program (hereinafter referred to as NIST MEP), and the public-private manufacturing innovation Institutes operating as part of Manufacturing USA (previously known as the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), and hereinafter referred to as Manufacturing USA Institutes). Learn More
MEP State Competitions Round 4 – Closed September 27, 2016
NIST invites applications from eligible organizations in connection with NIST’s funding up to eleven (11) separate cooperative agreements for the operation of MEP Centers in the designated States’ service areas and in the funding amounts identified in Section II.2. of the FFO. NIST anticipates awarding one (1) cooperative agreement for each of the identified States. The objective of the MEP Center Program is to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small and medium-sized manufacturers within the States designated in the FFO. The selected organization will become part of the MEP national system of extension service providers, currently located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Learn More
Embedding MEP in NNMI Institutes Pilot Projects – Closed June 17, 2016
NIST invites proposals from current MEP Centers to pilot test approaches to provide needed technology acceleration assistance to small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as small U.S. manufacturers) through the establishment of meaningful and results oriented collaborations between the nationwide system of Centers operating as part of the NIST Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program (hereinafter referred to as NIST MEP), and the Institutes participating in the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI). Learn More
MEP State Competitions Round 3 – Closed April 25, 2016
NIST invites applications from eligible organizations in connection with NIST's funding up to thirteen (13) separate MEP cooperative agreements for the operation of an MEP Center in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Utah and Vermont. Learn More
MEP State Partnership Support Project – Closed February 29, 2016
NIST invites proposals from eligible and qualified organizations to support efforts of the MEP Program, including MEP Centers and the entire MEP system of partners, to develop and enhance effective collaborative relationships with states and other stakeholders. These activities will advance the MEP's network of relationships with state stakeholders and partners to help MEP achieve its mission of improving productivity and technological performance in United States manufacturing. Learn More
MEP State Competitions Round 2 – Closed June 5, 2015
NIST invites applications from eligible organizations in connection with NIST's funding up to twelve (12) separate MEP cooperative agreements for the operation of an MEP Center in the States of Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Learn More
MEP State Competitions Round 1 – Closed February 24, 2015
NIST invites applications from eligible applicants in connection with NIST's funding up to ten (10) separate MEP cooperative agreements in the designated States' service areas and in the funding amounts identified below. NIST anticipates awarding one (1) cooperative agreement for each of the identified States. The objective of the MEP Center Program is to provide manufacturing extension services primarily to small and medium-sized manufacturers within the State designated in the applications. The selected MEP Centers will become part of the MEP national system of extension service providers, currently comprised of more than 400 Centers and field offices located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Learn More
Business-to-Business Network Pilots – Closed December 2, 2014
NIST invites eligible applicants to submit proposals to establish pilot projects that will develop, deploy and maintain a Business-to-Business Network (B2B Network) to support active business opportunity, supplier, technology and/or market matching within regions of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership System. Regions may be those of individual Centers, multi-Center, state-wide or multi-state. Proposed projects should consist of teams with expertise in business opportunity identification, technology identification and translation, and market and technology scouting. Learn More
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Center for Florida – Closed May 14, 2014
NIST invites applications from eligible applicants for funding one (1) MEP center to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small- and medium-sized manufacturers in the state of Florida. The MEP center will become part of the MEP national system of extension service providers, currently comprised of more than 400 centers and field offices located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Lean More
State Technology Extension Assistance Project for State of Alaska – Closed October 1, 2013.
NIST provides technical assistance to State technology extension programs throughout the United States. The purpose of this FFO is to provide NIST financial support, technical assistance and advice in understanding the technical needs of small and mid-sized manufacturers in Alaska as the state seeks to diversify their manufacturing base. This may lead to the future creation of a Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Center in the State of Alaska. This award will continue to promote increased coordination and communication within the state. NIST invites applications from eligible applicants for a project to help the state engage the manufacturing community and potential partner and service provider communities in organizing a more effective and efficient system for supporting the global competitiveness of small and mid-sized manufacturers in the state through technical assistance services and the application of science and technology. To view the full federal funding opportunity, click here.
Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Center (M-TAC) Pilot Projects – Closed September 27, 2013.
NIST invites proposals from eligible applicants to conduct approximately two (2) pilot projects that will inform future NIST investment leading to the development of a network of Manufacturing Technology Acceleration Centers (M-TACs). The emphasis of these pilots will be to demonstrate the conduct of technology transition and commercialization activities with small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers to foster their readiness to adopt and/or adapt advanced technologies into their manufacturing processes and products. The pilots will specifically focus on addressing the technical and business challenges encountered by small and mid-sized U.S. manufacturers as they attempt to integrate, adopt, transition, and commercialize both existing and emerging product and process technologies into their operations to help them grow and compete within manufacturing supply chains as innovative, value-adding components of our nation's economy. To view the full federal funding opportunity, click here.
Announcement of Request for Information (RFI) Pilots to Inform the Creation of Potential New M-TACs – Closed August 5, 2013
On June 21, 2013, NIST solicited public comments for a Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO), anticipated in fiscal year 2014 (FY14), that will competitively fund a select number of new M-TACs. This Request For Information (RFI) seeks comments relating to four primary issue areas: (1) technology transition and commercialization tools and services that should be provided by M-TACs; (2) M-TAC roles relating to supply chain needs; (3) potential business models for M-TACs; and (4) M-TAC performance and impact metrics. In addition, NIST seeks comments relating to other critical issues that NIST should consider in its strategic planning for future M-TAC investments. To view the full request for information, please click here.
In total, NIST received twenty-three (23) separate responses to the RFI from industry, nonprofit organizations, MEP affiliate centers, academia and university centers, and economic development organizations, representing the viewpoints of twenty-six (26) separate entities. To view the RFI responses that were submitted to NIST, please click here.
Make it in America Challenge – Closed May 31, 2013
The Make it in America Challenge will provide up to $40 million in competitive grant funding through the US Department of Commerce's Economic Development Agency and NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP), DOL's Employment and Training Administration, and the Delta Regional Authority. This collaboration allows applicants to submit one application to support the development and implementation of a regional economic development strategy accelerating job creation by encouraging re-shoring by U.S. firms, fostering Foreign Direct Investment, encouraging U.S. companies to keep or expand their businesses in the United States, and training local workers. Learn More
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers for Arizona, Maryland, and Rhode Island – Closed October 2012
NIST invites proposals from eligible proposers for funding three (3) separate MEP centers to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small and medium-sized manufacturers in three separate locations, Arizona, Maryland, and Rhode Island. Learn More
Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge – Closed July 2012
The Obama Administration announced a $26 million Advanced Manufacturing Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge to boost regionally-driven economic development strategies that support advanced manufacturing clusters. Learn More
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Centers for South Dakota and Kentucky – Closed July 2012
NIST invites proposals from eligible proposers for funding two (2) separate MEP centers to provide manufacturing extension services to primarily small and medium-sized manufacturers in two separate locations, South Dakota and/or Kentucky. Learn More
Building Construction Technology Extension Program (BCTEP) Pilot Projects
2012-BCTEP-01 – Closed July 2012
The pilot program will address increasing energy efficiency in commercial and industrial building operations. Learn More
Energy Efficiency Building Systems Regional Innovation Cluster – Closed May 2012
The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) will be supporting the creation of a regional research center that will develop new energy-efficiency technologies for buildings. MEP is taking part in an interagency initiative to establish an Energy Regional Innovation Cluster (E-RIC). The new regional center, announced by the Obama Administration, will receive up to $129.7 million in support from seven federal agencies over the next five years. The E-RIC will be established in a U.S. region to be selected through a competitive process. The center will be based at a university, Department of Energy laboratory or private firm, and will work with local partners to develop and implement energy-efficiency building technologies in area buildings. Learn More
State Partnerships – Closed April 2011
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites proposals from qualified organizations for projects in the areas noted below. These activities will enhance the Manufacturing Extension Partnership's (MEP)relationships with state stakeholders and partners to improve productivity and technological performance in United States manufacturing, achieving the MEP mission through the participation of individuals from industry, universities, State governments, other Federal agencies. Learn More
Manufacturer's Global Competitiveness – Closed October 2010
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) today announced $9.1 million in cooperative agreements for 22 projects designed to enhance the productivity, technological performance and global competitiveness of U.S. manufacturers. Learn More
Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Growth Strategy Development – August 2010
Availability of funds for projects to develop business models and training for growth transformation that integrate into MEP Strategic Growth Areas. Learn More
Manufacturing Extension Partnership Centers for Arizona, Chicago region of the State of Illinois, and identified counties in Central Pennsylvania – Closed April 2010
These projects will establish manufacturing extension centers under the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program for three regions including the state of Arizona, Chicago region of the state of Illinois and the identified counties in Central Pennsylvania. Learn More