Adam Biacchi is a materials chemist in the Physical Measurement Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He is working in the Nanoscale Spectroscopy Group on the synthesis and characterization of a wide variety of low-dimensional nanomaterials. Current materials classes of interest are 2D inorganic and organic crystals, including semiconductors and topological insulators, and magnetic 0D nanocrystals, including metal alloys, oxides, and intermetallics. The structural, chemical, magnetic, and optoelectronic properties of these nanomaterials are interrogated using a variety of spectroscopic (Raman, PL, diffuse reflectance, FTIR, MOKE, THz, XPS/UPS, EDX, EELS) and non-spectroscopic (S/TEM, SEM, AFM, X-ray/electron diffraction, TGA/DSC, Hall and other contact probe measurement, magnetometry) techniques. Emphasis is placed on the development of materials using scalable solution chemistry-based routes and surface engineering modalities. Investigated applications of his work range from electronic and optoelectronic solid state devices to photonics and magnetic sensing.