Dr. Adam Biacchi is a materials chemist in the Nanoscale Device Characterization Division of the Physical Measurement Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He works in the Nanoscale Spectroscopy Group studying optically active color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors and their application in emerging quantum technologies.
Adam joined NIST in 2014 as a postdoctoral fellow. He received his PhD in chemistry at The Pennsylvania State University studying the synthesis and application of colloidal nanocrystals under the supervision of Dr. Raymond Schaak. Prior to that, he conducted product research and development in the Inkjet Colorants business unit of Cabot Corporation (Billerica, MA) for five years. Adam hails from West Chester, PA and earned a double B.S. in chemistry and environmental studies at Tufts University in 2003.
Adam’s current research interests involve: A.) the design, fabrication, and processing of color centers, which are optically active atomic sites in wide-bandgap semiconductors; B.) the implementation of color center materials for quantum sensing and quantum communication; C.) the detailed interrogation of the structural, chemical, optical, electronic, and magnetic properties of novel color center materials with a focus on optical spectroscopy and electron microscopy characterization techniques.
Adam is a recipient of a 2024 Department of Commerce Bronze Medal and the 2024 Physical Measurement Laboratory Excellence in Safety Award. He won “Outstanding Poster” in the Sigma Xi Early-Career Poster Presentation competition three times between 2016 and 2019. Adam co-founded both the Postdoctoral and Early-Career Researcher Accolades program and The NIST Community Building Group’s NISTgiving celebration. He serves on the Executive Board of NIST Sigma Xi as President-Elect and was the Chair of the 2022 Early-Career Poster Presentation competition. He has authored or co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications.