Ben Davis is an Executive Management Specialist in the CHIPS R&D Office, where he serves as a Contract Officer Representative (COR) and Designated Federal Officer (DFO) for the Industrial Advisory Committee (IAC), which advises DOC and NIST on how to best implement the CHIPS Act. Previously, he worked as a Management and Program Analyst in the Disaster and Failure Studies Program under the Materials and Structural Systems Division (MSSD) of the Engineering Laboratory (EL) at NIST. Ben graduated with his MBA from Florida A&M University and joined NIST in 2015. While in MSSD, Ben served as the DFO of the National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Advisory Committee, which advises NIST on how to execute the NCST Act. As a member of the NCST under the Hurricane Maria Program, Ben provided project management, communications, and contract management support for the Hurricane Maria Program. He also provided contract support for the NCST Champlain Towers investigation.
2020 NIST Safety Award
2018 Special Act Award
2018 Engineering Laboratory Safety Award
2017 Engineering Laboratory Support Award