Daniel Swetz is a research physicist and group leader in the Quantum Sensors Division at NIST. He joined NIST as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow in 2010. His research focuses on developing superconducting sensors and readout into arrays of microcalorimeter detectors capable of measuring the energy of individual photons and particle decays in ways that are difficult or impossible with conventional detector techniques. He works with researchers around the world to implement these superconducting detectors to address measurement challenges across numerous fields. Current areas of interest include the study of highly charged ions and exotic atoms, materials analysis and x-ray spectroscopy, astrophysics, radioactivity standards and x-ray fundamental parameter metrology for industry, 3D x-ray nanoprobe of circuits, and nuclear materials accounting and safeguards. He has authored/coauthored over 100 publications, and has received several awards, including NIST/DOC Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals, an R&D100 award.