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Debra Ellisor (Fed)

Deb serves as a research biologist in the Biospecimen Science Group at the NIST Biorepository in Charleston, SC. She aims to advance cryopreservation sciences by assessing the effects of pre-analytical variables on biospecimen quality using advanced measurement techniques and developing standardized protocols and methods for sample collection and storage to preserve biospecimen integrity. Deb also assists in maintaining the biorepository in accordance with International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) best practices to ensure the long-term preservation of the archived collections.

In addition, Deb assists in generating cryogenic reference materials (RMs). Her current projects include the development and production of cryogenic food safety RMs and collaborating with other international National Metrology Institutes to evaluate the effects of reference material production methods on downstream analyses, particularly with regard to food safety and authentication.

Membership and Professional Activities

  • International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) member: 2013 - present
  • Chemical Sciences Division Research Advisory Committee Chair: October 2023 - present

Other Publications


  • MML Accolade in Measurement Services Excellence: 2023
  • Outstanding Graduate Award, College of Charleston Graduate Program in Marine Biology: 2007
  • Best Oral Presentation Award, College of Charleston Graduate Student Research Colloquium: 2006


Certification of Standard Reference Material® 2983 Inorganics in Geoduck Clam Tissue (Panopea generosa)

Colleen E. Bryan Sallee, Melannie Bachman, Steven J. Christopher, Debra Ellisor, Michael Ellisor, Jennifer Hoguet, Samuel Huntington, Caleb Luvonga, Amanda Moors, Dhayaalini Nadarajan, Tomohiro Narukawa, Jennifer Ness, Rebecca Pugh, James H. Yen, Lee L. Yu
Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2983 Inorganics in Geoduck Clam Tissue (Panopea generosa) is intended to be used for the evaluation of methods for the
Created October 9, 2019, Updated April 17, 2024