Edward is focused on developing research and standards solutions to support advanced measurements of gene delivery systems. His interests are in improving the reproducibility of the functional evaluation of gene delivery systems through cell based assays. He helps coordinate gene delivery system program efforts in the Biosystems and Biomaterials Division. Please visit the program page for more information.
He is also developing novel measurement methods to characterize gene delivery particles by light scattering and correlating those measurements with functional assays. Please visit the project page for more information.
Edward co-leads efforts in Working Group 4: Gene Delivery Systems in the NIST Flow Cytometry Standards consortium. Activities include developing protocols and evaluating gene delivery system materials in a physical titer interlaboratory study. Please visit the consortium page for more information.
Edward participates in standards development for gene delivery systems through ISO Technical Committee 276 on Biotechnology, Subcommittee 1 on Analytical Methods, and Working Group 1 on Gene Delivery Systems. Please visit the US Technical Advisory Group for ISO TC 276 page for more information and how to join.
Research Interests
Past Publications
Sigma Xi Most Outstanding Biology Poster at NIST Post-doc Poster Presentation, 2018
BioImage Informatics Travel Award, 2017
National Research Council Postdoctoral Research Associateship, 2016
AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science, 2015
Alpha Epsilon: Honor Society of Biological Engineering, 2010
Cornell Engineering Co-op of the Year, 2009