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Jose A Rodriguez (Assoc)

The NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) is a user facility that focuses on providing neutron measurement capabilities to the US research community. I am the instrument scientist of the Multi-Axis Crystal Spectrometer (MACS), a new world class neutron scattering spectrometer with high capabilities such as a very high neutron flux and fast data collection. My program research includes the areas of diffuse scattering of binary alloys, neutron instrumentation and the research of magnetic materials using neutron scattering.

Selected Publications

  1. "Spin-orbital quantum fluctuations on a honeycomb based lattice" by S. Nakatsuji, K. Kuga, K. Kimura, R. Satake, E. Nishibori, H. Sawa, R. Ishii, M. Hagiwara, F. Bridges, T. U. Ito, W. Higemoto, M. Halim, A. Nugroho , J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, M. A. Green and C. Broholm. Science 336 (6081): 559-563 (2012).  
  2. "Friedel-like Oscillations from Interstitial Iron in Superconducting Fe1+yTe0.62Se0.38"  by V. Thampy, J. Kang, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. Bao, A. T. Savici, J. Hu, T. J. Liu, B. Qian, D. Fobes, Z. Q. Mao, C. B. Fu, W. C. Chen, Q. Ye, R. W. Erwin, T. R. Gentile, Z. Tesanovic, and C. Broholm. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 107002 (2012)  
  3. "Common origin of two magnetic fluctuations in iron chalcogenides" by Songxue Chi, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, J. W. Lynn, Chenglin Zhang, D. Phelan, D. K. Singh, R. Paul, and Pengcheng Dai. Phys. Rev. B. 84, 214407 (2011)  
  4. "Neutron Scattering Studies of spin excitations in hole-doped Ba0.67K0.33Fe2As2 superconductor" by Chenglin Zhang, Meng Wang, Miaoyin Wang, Mengshu Liu, Jun Zhao, D. L. Abernathy, Karol Marty, M. D. Lumsden, Songxue Chi, Sung Chang, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, J. W. Lynn, Huiqian Luo, Tao Xiang, Jiangping Hu, Pengcheng Dai. Sci. Rep. 1,115 (2011)  
  5. "Field-Induced Quantum Fluctuations in Heavy Fermion (Pressure- Induced)Superconductor CeCu2Ge2" by D.K. Singh, A. Thamizhavel, J.W. Lynn, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and T. Herman. Sci. Rep. 1, 117 (2011)  
  6. "Interstitial iron tuning of the spin fluctuations in the nonsuperconductive parent phase Fe1+xTe"by Chris Stock, Efrain E. Rodriguez, Mark A. Green and Jose A. Rodriguez-Rivera. Phys. Rev. B 84, 045124 (2011)  
  7. "Incommensurate Magnetism in FeAs Strips: Neutron Scattering from CaFe4As3" by Yusuke Nambu, Liang L. Zhao, Emilia Morosan, Kyoo Kim, Gabriel Kotliar, Pawel Zajdel, Mark A. Green, William Ratcliff. Jose A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and Collin Broholm , Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 037201 (2011). Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 037201 (2011)  
  8. "Magnetic field effect on the static antiferromagnetic order and spin excitations in underdoped iron arsenide superconductor BaFe1.92Ni0.08As2" Miaoyin Wang, Huiqian Luo, Meng Wang, Songxue Chi, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Deepak Singh, Sung Chang, Jeffrey W. Lynn, and Pengcheng Dai, Phys. Rev. B 83, 094516 (2011)  
  9. "Quantum critical behavior in the heavy Fermion single crystal Ce(Ni0.935P 0.065)2Ge2" by C. H. Wang, J. M. Lawrence, A. D. Christianson, S. Chang, E. D. Bauer, K. Gofryk, F. Ronning, J. D. Thompson, K. J. McClellan, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, J. W. Lynn. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 273 012018 (2011).  
  10. "A wide angle neutron spin filter system using polarized 3He" by C.B. Fu, T.R. Gentile, G.L. Jones, W.C. Chen, R. Erwin, S. Watson, C. Broholm, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, and J. Scherschligt, Physica B 406, 2419 (2010).  
  11. "From (π, 0) magnetic order to superconductivity with (π, π) magnetic resonance in Fe1.02(Te1-xSex)" by Tijiang Liu , Jin Hu , Bin Qian , David Fobes , Wei Bao , Manfred Reehuis , Simon Kimber , Karel Prokes , Slavomir Matas , Dimitri Argyriou , Arno Hiess , Aurelian Rotaru , Huy Pham , Leonard Spinu , Yiming Qiu , Vivek Thampy, Andrei Savici, Jose Rodriguez-Rivera, Collin Broholm. Nature Materials 9, 718-720 (2010).  
  12. "Low symmetry DO3-like nanoprecipitates in highly magnetostrictive Galfenol observed by neutron diffuse scattering" by Hu Cao, Peter M. Gehring, Christopher P. Devreugd, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Jiefang Li, and D. Viehland. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2009) 102, 127201  
  13. "Neutron Transmission of Single-Crystal Magnesium Fluoride" by J.G. Barker, D.F.R. Mildner J. A. Rodriguez and P. Thiyagarajan. Appl. Cryst. (2008). 41, 1003-1008  
  14. "MACS- A new high intensity cold neutron spectrometer at NIST"  by J. A. Rodriguez, D. M. Adler, P. C. Brand, C. Broholm, J. C. Cook, C. Brocker, R. Hammond, Z. Huang, P. Hundertmark, J. W. Lynn, N. C. Maliszewskyj, J. Moyer, J. Orndorff, D. Pierce, T. D. Pike, G. Scharfstein, S. A. Smee and R. Vilaseca. Meas. Sci. Technol. 19 (2008) 034023.  
  15. "Neutron scattering studies of short-range order, atomic displacements, and effective pair Interactions in a null-matrix 62Ni0.52Pt0.48 crystal". J. A. Rodriguez, S. C Moss, J. L. Robertson, J. R. D. Copley, D. A. Newmann and J. Major. Phys. Rev. B 74, 104115 (2006)


Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2

Thomas Halloran, Peter Czajka, Gicela Saucedo Salas, Corey Frank, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Daniel Mazzonne, Jakob Lass, Nicholas Butch
Abstract The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe 2 is

Continuum of magnetic excitations in the Kitaev honeycomb iridate D3LiIr2O6

Thomas Halloran, Yishu Wang, Kemp Plumb, M. B. Stone, Barry Winn, M. K. Graves-Brook, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Yiming Qiu, Prashant Chauhan, N. Armitage, Tomohiro Takayama, Hidenori Takagi, Collin L. Broholm
Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements of powder D3(7Li)(193Ir)2O6 reveal low energy magnetic excitations with a scattering cross section that is

Spin-orbital order and excitons in magnetoresistive HoBi

Jonathan N. Gaudet, H. Yang, E. Smith, T. Halloran, J. Clancy, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Guangyong Xu, Yang Zhao, Wangchun Chen, G. Sala, Adam A. Aczel, B. Gaulin, Fazel Tafti, Collin L. Broholm
The magnetism of the rock-salt fcc rare-earth monopnictide HoBi, a candidate topological material with extreme magnetoresistance, is investigated. From the Ho3+

Unravelled and Glassy Magnetism in PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3 - (2) Neutron Scattering

C. Stock, B. Roessli, Peter M. Gehring, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, N. Giles-Donovan, S. Cochran, Guangyong Xu, P. Manuel, M. J. Gutmann, William D. Ratcliff, T. Fennell, Y. Su, X. Li, H. Luo
We apply neutron scattering to investigate the magnetism in the relaxor ferroelectric PbFe 1/2Nb 1/2O 3 (PFN). Similar to the lack of spatially long-range
Created December 11, 2018, Updated December 8, 2022