Mark Tyra is a physical scientist (isotope geochemist) in the NIST Radioactivity Group in the Radiation Physics division. For his PhD (Univ. of New Mexico) and MSc (Univ. of Maryland, College Park) work, he used radionuclide and stable isotope signatures with petrography to trace the history of water in asteroids (using meteorites). He joined the Radioactivity Group in 2013.
Currently, Mark is the primary contact in a project that will expand the capability of NIST’s to calibrate short-lived radioisotopes using a secondary ionization chamber. He also uses mass spectrometry to analyze radioactive and stable isotope composition of materials to be used as reference materials for the medical isotope, nuclear, and other applications. He participates in a collaborations for improving calibrations of ionizing radionuclide solutions, detection of impurities in medical radiopharmaceuticals, nuclear forensics measurements, neutrino detection, neutron lifetime, and others.