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Nicholas Butch (Fed)

Nicholas P. Butch

At the NCNR, I am an instrument contact for NG-4 DCS. I primarily support experiments involving unconventional magnetism and what might be generally termed hard condensed matter physics. If you are thinking of doing a measurement on DCS, you are encouraged to contact me before proposal submission to discuss experimental details.

For more information about my personal research, please visit the NPB homepage.

Positions Available

Recent or upcoming PhD graduates who are interested in postdoctoral research focusing on novel superconductivity, magnetism, and/or quantum phase transitions through a variety of techniques ranging from sample synthesis to neutron scattering are invited to apply for a NRC postdocdoral fellowship.

For more details, please contact nicholas.butch [at] (Dr. Butch).

NIST contact info

Dr. Nicholas Butch
NIST Center for Neutron Research
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-6102

(301) 975 - 4863 

nicholas.butch [at] (nicholas[dot]butch[at]nist[dot]gov) 


Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2017)

NIST Sigma Xi Katharine B. Gebbie Young Scientist Award (2016)


Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2

Thomas Halloran, Peter Czajka, Gicela Saucedo Salas, Corey Frank, Jose Rodriguez Rivera, Daniel Mazzonne, Jakob Lass, Nicholas Butch
Abstract The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe 2 is

Absence of a Bulk Signature of a Charge Density Wave in Hard X-ray Measurements of UTe2

Caitlin Kengle, Dipanjan Chaudhuri, Xuefei Guo, Thomas Johnson, Simon Bettler, Wolfgang Simeth, Matthew Krogstad, Zahir Islam, Sheng Ran, Shanta Saha, Johnpierre Paglione, Nicholas Butch, Eduardo Fradkin, Vidya Madhavan, Peter Abbamonte
The long-sought pair density wave (PDW) is an exotic phase of matter in which charge density wave (CDW) order is intertwined with the amplitude or phase of

Synthesis and characterization of the novel breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Tm2Zn5O11

Lalit Yadav, Rabindranath Bag, Ramesh Dhakal, Stephen Winter, Jeffrey Rau, Alexander Kolesnikov, Andrey Podlesnyak, Craig Brown, Nicholas Butch, David Graf, Michel Gingras, Sara Haravifard
In this study, a novel material from the rare-earth based breathing pyrochlore family, Ba3Tm2Zn5O11, was successfully synthesized. Powder X-ray diffraction and

Single-Component Superconductivity in UTe2 at Ambient Pressure

Florian Theuss, Avi Shragai, Gael Grissonnanche, Ian Hayes, Shanta Saha, Yun Eo, Alonso Suarez, Tatsuya Shishidou, Nicholas Butch, Johnpierre Paglione, B. Ramshaw
The microscopic mechanism of Cooper pairing in a superconductor leaves its fingerprint on the symmetry of the order parameter. UTe2 has previously been inferred

Absence of a Bulk Thermodynamic Phase Transition to aDensity Wave Phase in UTe2

Florian Theuss, Avi Shragai, Gael Grissonnanche, Luciano Peralta, Ian Hayes, Shanta Saha, Yun Eo, Alonso Suarez, Andrea Capa Salinas, Ganesh Pokharel, Stephen Wilson, Nicholas Butch, Johnpierre Paglione
Competing and intertwined orders are ubiquitous in strongly correlated electron systems, such as the charge, spin, and superconducting orders in the high-Tc
Created May 31, 2018, Updated December 8, 2022