Areas of specialization:
Nonlinear optics and 4-wave mixing
Squeezed light
Quantum Optics
Laser Cooling and Trapping of Neutral Atoms
Quantum Imaging
Ultracold Atomic Collisions
Photoassociation Spectroscopy
Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates
2007 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2004 Bourke Lectureship awarded by the Faraday Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
2003 Fellow of the Optical Society of America
1999 Arthur S. Flemming Award for service to the Federal Government
1999 NIST Equal Employment Opportunity/Diversity Award
1996 Fellow of the American Physical Society
1996 Department of Commerce Silver Medal,
1993 NIST Sigma Xi Outstanding Young Scientist Award