As a member of the Complex Microbial Systems group, Sam’s research is focused on improving measurements of microbial consortia (microbiomes). Although popular interest in microbiomes has exploded in recent years, the methods used for their characterization remain subject to numerous sources of bias and variability. Sam has contributed to understanding these measurement challenges through engaging the scientific community external to NIST (e.g., IMMSA, HESI, workshops), developing and characterizing reference materials (e.g., DARPA’s FoF program), and working in the lab to improve genomic (NGS) and metabolomic (LC-MS/MS) measurement methods.
NIST-NRC Postdoctoral Fellowships: 2-year fellowships at NIST, US citizens only, ~$72,000 salary plus benefits and relocation expenses. Application deadlines are Feb. 1 and Aug. 1, requires 10-page research proposal. sam.forry [at] (Contact Sam directly) if you are interested in writing a proposal on a microbiome research project; we currently have opportunities posted for engineering microbial consortia, microbiome metrology, and building reproducible multispecies cultures, among others.