I am a physicist researching quantum information theory. My current research interests include:
I have ongoing collaborations with the quantum optics group of Sae Woo Nam, NIST-Boulder's ion storage group, and the ultra-cold atom group of Trey Porto and William Phillips.
I work on the Joint Quantum State and Measurement Tomography software project at https://github.com/usnistgov/state_meas_tomo. This software performs simultaneous quantum state and measurement tomography, as described in " Joint Quantum State and Measurement Tomography with Incomplete Measurements" arXiv:1803.08245 [quant-ph].
I wrote a fun post for the NIST blog: "Local Realism, Bell's Inequality, and T-Shirts: An Entangled Tale".
Department of Commerce Gold Medal 2016 awarded to the team that performed one of the first loophole-free tests of local realism.
Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations 2015 for "A Strong Loophole-Free Test Of Local Realism".
Information Technology Laboratory Outstanding Contribution Award 2015 for development and application of quantum tomography tools.
Information Technology Laboratory Outstanding Journal Paper Award 2014 for "Efficient Quantification Of Experimental Evidence Against Local Realism".
Boston College Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 1999.