Susana is currently a Research Associate Professor at the University of Delaware, and a Guest Researcher at the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR).
Increasingly complex engineering systems are emerging for energy, biomedical, infrastructure and space exploration, using biomaterials that perform in extreme natural and industrial settings. Understanding biomolecular performance under such environments is a major goal of her research. As an Instrument Scientist at the NCNR, Susana is directly involved in supporting neutron users during data collection and analyses, as well as developing in-situ and in-operando measurement capabilities in extreme conditions, such as high salt, high hydrostatic pressure or low temperatures. Susana is one of the NCNR Directors for undergraduate internships, which include the SURF and CORE programs. At the University of Delaware, Susana is committed to training the next generations of neutron users, teaching and training students both at graduate and undergraduate levels.
Publications co-authored with NIST Federal employees are shown below. More information on Susana's research can also be found at: ORCID: