Dr. Tara Fortier is a Project Leader in the Time and Frequency Division at NIST, where she oversees cutting-edge research in precision optical and microwave metrology and laser source development. Her work focuses on leveraging phase-stabilized mode-locked lasers to generate ultra-stable optical and microwave signals from atomic and optical references.
Dr. Fortier's research directly supports the mission of the Time and Frequency Division by enabling the atomic calibration of NIST’s microwave timescale, synthesizing and disseminating low-noise, agile microwave signals, and contributing secondary time standards to International Atomic Time (TAI). Her group also plays a pivotal role in atomic clock comparisons, which underpin international efforts to redefine the SI second based on optical atomic time. These comparisons further expand the frontiers of fundamental physics by testing local position invariance, probing the time variation of fundamental constants, and constraining the interaction of ultra-light dark matter with ordinary matter through the fine-structure constant.
In addition to her research, Dr. Fortier actively contributes to the scientific community as a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and the American Physical Society (APS). She serves on the Executive Board of the APS Division of Laser Science, the APL Photonics Journal of the American Institute of Physics, and is NIST’s representative to the Interagency Working Group on Quantum Workforce Development (under the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy). Finally, Dr. Fortier is deeply committed to broadening participation in science through education, outreach, and active participation at NIST, international conferences, and professional societies.
Book Chapters:
Programmatic Documents/Reports: