Dr. Doiron is a member of the Dimensional Metrology Group since 1983, and Group Leader since 2002.
Computer Vision:
- Designed and built a computer vision based station for both tool form measurement and tool setting for very high accuracy turning stations.
- Used computer vision to automate the NIST grid plate calibration system.
- Developed robust (Hough) edge finding algorithms for images with as much as 50% noise.
- Used least median fit algorithms to analyze shapes of noisy lines in images of crosses and circles on grid plates.
- Developed non-contact method based on diffraction patterns to measure the diameter of very fine wires.
Dimensional Metrology:
- Designed and implemented a new statistical process control and measurement assurance system for dimensional calibrations such as gage blocks, cylinders and thread wires.
- Built a prototype micrometer which improves the accuracy and efficiency of thread and gear wire calibrations.
- Built special micrometer to measure optical fiber diameters which is used to calibrate reference standards for industry.
- Developed 1 and 3 day seminars on dimensional metrology and gage block calibration for industrial inspection personnel.
Coordinate Measuring Systems:
- Project coordinator for development of a new integrated coordinate measuring system incorporating fast contact and non-contact probe systems.
Other Current Research Projects:
- Development of a dilatometer to measure the coefficient of thermal expansion of gages between 15 °C and 25 °C.
- Performed a number of studies of the temporal stability of materials in use in dimensional metrology, including aluminum, steel, brass, silicon carbide, beryllium and gage steels.
- Developed methods to make corrections for elastic deformation of gages.&
- Working with the Justice Department on the metrology of scales used in forensic photography.
University Involvement: Thesis advisor for Master's Degree students from U. of North Carolina at Charlotte, American University, Howard University, and Federal University of Santa Catarina-Brazil.