Dr. Wei Zhou's research interests are in the areas of novel porous materials, computational materials design, neutron diffraction and spectroscopy. His recent work focuses on developing advanced materials for gas adsorption, storage, and separation (CH4, H2, CO2, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6,etc.), by combining various experimental techniques and first-principles calculations. The materials under investigations include porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks (HOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), and hydrides etc.
If you are a Ph.D. candidate (in chemistry, materials science, or physics) expecting to graduate within one year, or already have a Ph.D. degree obtained recently, and are interested in porous framework materials, neutron diffraction/spectroscopy, and/or computational materials science, you are encouraged to apply the NRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at NIST (U.S. citizenship required).
"Single-crystalline 3D covalent organic frameworks with exceptionally high specific surface area and gas storage capacity", B. Yu, Y. Tao, X. Yao, Y. Jin, S. Liu, T. Xu, H. Wang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Zhou, X. Ding, X. Wang, X. Xiao, Y.-B. Zhang, and J. Jiang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 146, 28932–28940 (2024).
“Construction of highly porous and robust hydrogen-bonded organic framework for high-capacity clean energy gas storage”, J.-X. Wang, X. Zhang, C. Jiang, T.-F. Zhang, J. Pei, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, B. Chen, G. Qian, and B. Li, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202411753 (2024).
"Unraveling thermally regulated gating mechanisms in TPT pore-partitioned MOF-74: A computational endeavor", G. A. McCarver, M. J. Cramer, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, Chem. Mater., 36, 8098–8106 (2024).
"Controlling the CO2 reduction reaction through dual-atom catalysts embedded in expanded porphyrins: A DFT study", G. A. McCarver, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, ChemCatChem, 16, e202400960 (2024).
"Water-enhanced CO2 capture with molecular salt sodium guanidinate", H. A. Evans, M. Carter, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, C. M. Brown, H. Wu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 12, 16748–16759 (2024).
"Reverse separation of carbon dioxide and acetylene in two isostructural copper pyridine-carboxylate frameworks", J.-H. Li, Y.-W. Gan, J.-X. Chen, R.-B. Lin, Y. Yang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, B. Chen, and X.-M. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 63, e202400823 (2024).
"Hetero-bimetallic paddlewheel complexes for enhanced CO2 reduction selectivity in MOFs: a first principles study", G. A. McCarver, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 7627–7637 (2024).
"Sulfur substitution in Fe-MOF-74: implications for electrocatalytic CO2 and CO reduction from an ab initio perspective", G. A. McCarver, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, Catal. Sci. Technol., 14, 2541 (2024).
"Computational examination of transition metal-salen complexes for the reduction of CO2", G. A. McCarver, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, Molecular Catalysis, 556, 113819 (2024).
"Linkage conversions in single-crystalline covalent organic frameworks", B. Yu, R.-B. Lin, G. Xu, Z.-H. Fu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, S. Lu, Q.-W. Li, Y. Jin, J.-H. Li, Z. Zhang, H. Wang, Z. Yan, X. Liu, K. Wang, B. Chen, and J. Jiang, Nature Chem., 16, 114–121 (2024).
"Catalyst engineering for the selective reduction of CO2 to CH4: A first-principles study on X-MOF-74 (X=Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn)", G. A. McCarver, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, ChemPhysChem, 24, e202300645 (2023).
"Observation of interpenetrated topology isomerism for covalent organic frameworks with atom-resolution single crystal structures", B. Yu, W. Li, X. Wang, J.-H. Li, R.-B. Lin, H. Wang,* X. Ding, Y. Jin, X. Yang, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* J. Zhang, J. Jiang,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 21955–21965 (2023).
"Incorporation of multiple supramolecular binding sites into a robust MOF for benchmark one-step ethylene purification", E. Wu, X.-W. Gu, D. Liu, X. Zhang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, G. Qian and B. Li, Nature Commun., 14, 6146 (2023).
"Adaptive pore opening to form tailored adsorption sites in a cooperatively flexible framework enables record inverse propane/propylene separation", R. A. Klein, L. W. Bingel, A. Halder, M. Carter, B. A. Trump, E. D. Bloch, W. Zhou, K. S. Walton, C. M. Brown, C. M. McGuirk, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 145, 21955–21965 (2023).
"Construction of negative electrostatic pore environments in a scalable, stable and low-cost metal−organic framework for one-step ethylene purification from ternary mixtures", H.-M. Wen, C. Yu, M. Liu, C. Lin, B. Zhao, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* and J. Hu,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 62, e202309108 (2023).
"Layered porous molecular crystals via interdigitation-directed assembly", N. Fang, S. Zhang, Z. Xu, S. Chen, X. Zhang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, and Y. Zhao, Cell Rep. Phys. Sci., 4, 101508 (2023).
"Pore modulation of hydrogen−bonded organic frameworks for efficient separation of propylene", Y. Cai, J. Gao, J.-H. Li, P. Liu, Y. Zheng, W. Zhou, H. Wu, L. Li, R.-B. Lin, B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 62, e202308579 (2023).
"Hydrogen-bonded organic framework for red light-mediated photocatalysis", H. Zhao, Z. Zhou, X. Feng, C. Liu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, H. Wang, Nano Research, 16, 8809–8816 (2023).
"Thermal polymorphism in CsCB11H12", R. Černý, M. Brighi, H. Wu, W. Zhou, M. Dimitrievska, F. Murgia, V. Gulino, P. E. de Jongh, B. A. Trump, T. J. Udovic, Molecules, 28, 2296 (2023).
"Electrically conductive π-intercalated graphitic metal–organic framework containing alternate π-donor/acceptor stacks", A. Yadav, S. Zhang, P. A. Benavides, W. Zhou, and S. Saha, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 62, e202303819 (2023).
"Flexing of a metal–organic framework upon hydrocarbon adsorption: Atomic level insights from neutron scattering", B. A. Trump, O. T. Qazvini, S. J. Lee, E. Jangodaz, W. Zhou, C. M. Brown, and S. G. Telfer, Chem. Mater., 35, 1387–1394 (2023).
"Promotion of methane storage capacity with metal–organic frameworks of high porosity", X. Zhang, R.-B. Lin, Z. A. Alothman, O. Alduhaish, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, J.-R. Li and B. Chen, Inorg. Chem. Front., 10, 454–459 (2023).
"Characterizing the ZrBe2Hx phase diagram via neutron scattering methods", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, R. C. Bowman, Jr. and B. C. Hauback, Inorganics, 11, 1 (2023).
"Solvent dependent self-assembly of hydrogen-bonded organic porphyrinic frameworks", L. Ma, H. Arman, Y. Xie, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Crystal Growth Des., 22, 3808–3814 (2022).
"Photoresponsive covalent organic frameworks with diarylethene switch for tunable singlet oxygen generation", N. Sun, Y. Jin, H. Wang,* B. Yu, R. Wang, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* and J. Jiang*, Chem. Mater., 34, 1956–1964 (2022).
"Immobilization of Lewis basic sites into a stable ethane-selective MOF enabling one-step separation of ethylene from a ternary mixture", X.-W. Gu, J.-X. Wang, E. Wu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, and B. Li, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 144, 2614–2623 (2022).
"An adaptive hydrogen-bonded organic framework for the exclusive recognition of p-Xylene", L. Ma, Y. Xie, R. S. H. Khoo, H. Arman, B. Wang, W. Zhou, J. Zhang, R. Lin, B. Chen, Chem. Eur. J., 28, e202104269 (2022).
"Hydrogen-bonded metal-nucleobase frameworks for efficient separation of Xenon and Krypton", Y. Liu, H. Wu, L. Guo, W. Zhou,* Z. Zhang, Q. Yang, Y. Yang, Q. Ren, Z. Bao,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 61, e202117609 (2022). [featured on the cover of Angewandte Chemie]
"Maximizing acetylene packing density for highly efficient C2H2/CO2 separation through immobilization of amine sites within a prototype MOF", X. Zhang, R.-B. Lin, H. Wu, Y. Huang, Y. Ye, J. Duan, W. Zhou, J.-R. Li, B. Chen, Chem. Eng. J., 431, 134184 (2022).
"Investigating the non-classical M-H2 bonding in OsClH3(PPh3)3", C. C. Carter, R. A. Klein, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, C. M. Brown, T.-B. Wen, T. R. Cundari, M. Yousufuddin, J. Alloys Comp., 894, 162445 (2022).
"Maximizing electroactive sites in a three-dimensional covalent organic framework for significantly improved carbon dioxide reduction electrocatalysis", B. Han, Y. Jin, B. Chen, W. Zhou, B. Yu, C. Wei, H. Wang, K. Wang, Y. Chen, B. Chen, J. Jiang, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 61, e202114244 (2022).
"A solid transformation into carboxyl dimers based on a robust hydrogen-bonded organic framework for propyne/propylene separation", B. Yu, S. Geng, H. Wang, W. Zhou, Z. Zhang, B. Chen, J. Jiang, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 25942–25948 (2021).
"Effects of intervalence charge transfer interaction between π-stacked mixed valent tetrathiafulvalene ligands on the electrical conductivity of 3D metal–organic frameworks", S. Zhang, D. K. Panda, A. Yadav, W. Zhou, and S. Saha, Chem. Sci., ,12, 13379–13391 (2021).
"Highly selective adsorption of carbon dioxide over acetylene in an ultramicroporous metal-organic framework", Y. Shi, Y. Xie, H. Cui, Y. Ye, H. Wu, W. Zhou, H. Arman, R.-B. Lin, B. Chen, Adv. Mater., 33, 2105880 (2021).
"Developing ideal metalorganic hydrides for hydrogen storage: From theoretical prediction to rational fabrication", Z. Jing, Q. Yuan, Y. Yu, X. Kong, K. C. Tan, J. Wang, Q. Pei, X.-B. Wang, W. Zhou, H. Wu, A. Wu, T. He, and P. Chen, ACS Materials Lett., 3, 1417–1425 (2021).
"Polymorphism of calcium closo-decahydrido decaborate and characterization of its hydrates", M. Jørgensen, W. Zhou, H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, M. Paskevicius, R. Černý, T. Jensen, Inorg. Chem., 60, 10943–10957 (2021).
"A microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework for the efficient capture and purification of propylene", J. Gao, Y. Cai, X. Qian, P. Liu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, D.-X. Liu, L. Li, R.-B. Lin, B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 20400–20406 (2021).
"Neutron scattering investigations of the global and local structures of ammine yttrium borohydrides", J. B. Grinderslev, M. S. Andersson, B. A. Trump, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, M. Karlssonb and T. R. Jensen, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 15415–15423 (2021).
"Two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks with cobalt(II)-phthalocyanine sites for efficient electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction", B. Han, X. Ding, B. Yu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, W. Liu, C. Wei, B. Chen, D. Qi, H. Wang, K. Wang, Y. Chen, B. Chen, and J. Jiang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 143, 7104–7113 (2021).
"A rod-packing hydrogen-bonded organic framework with suitable pore confinement for benchmark ethane/ethylene separation", X. Zhang, J.-X. Wang, L. Li, J. Pei, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, and B. Li, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 10304–10310 (2021).
"A novel anion-pillared metal–organic framework for highly efficient separation of acetylene from ethylene and carbon dioxide", Q.-L. Qian, X.-W. Gu, J. Peia, H.-M. Wen, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* B. Li,* and G. Qian*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 9, 9248–9255 (2021).
"Interplay between the reorientational dynamics of the B3H8- anion and the structure in KB3H8", M. S. Andersson, J. B. Grinderslev, X.-M. Chen, X. Chen, U. Haussermann, W. Zhou, T. R. Jensen, M. Karlsson, and T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 3716–3724 (2021).
"Electrostatically-driven selective adsorption of carbon dioxide over acetylene in an ultramicroporous material", Y. Xie, H. Cui, H. Wu, R.-B. Lin,* W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 9604–9609 (2021).
"Robust biological hydrogen-bonded organic framework with post-functionalized rhenium(I) sites for efficient heterogeneous visible light-driven CO2 reduction", B. Yu, L. Li, S. Liu, H. Wang, H. Liu, C. Lin, C. Liu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Li, T. Wang, J. Jiang, B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 8983–8989 (2021).
"A microporous aluminum-based metal-organic framework for high methane, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide storage", B. Wang, X. Zhang, H. Huang, Z. Zhang, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, S. Xiang, B. Chen, Nano Research, 14, 507–511 (2021).
"Porous organic cages as synthetic water channels", Y. D. Yuan, J. Dong, J. Liu, D. Zhao, H. Wu, W. Zhou, H. X. Gan, Y. W. Tong, J. Jiang, and D. Zhao, Nat. Commun., 11, 4927 (2020).
"An ultramicroporous metal−organic framework for high sieving separation of propylene from propane", B. Liang, X. Zhang, Y. Xie, R.-B. Lin,* R. Krishna, H. Cui, Z. Li, Y. Shi, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* and B. Chen*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 17795–17801 (2020).
"Electrically conductive 3D metal–organic framework featuring π–acidic hexaazatriphenylene hexacarbonitrile ligands with anion–π interaction and efficient charge transport capabilities", A. Yadav , D. K. Panda , S. Zhang, W. Zhou, and S. Saha, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 40613–40619 (2020).
"A novel expanded metal–organic framework for balancing volumetric and gravimetric methane storage working capacities", H.-M. Wen, K. Shao, W. Zhou, B. Li and B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 56, 13117–13120 (2020).
"Structural and dynamical properties of potassium dodecahydro-monocarba-closo-dodecaborate: KCB11H12", M. Dimitrievska, H. Wu, V. Stavila, O. A. Babanova, R. V. Skoryunov, A. V. Soloninin, W. Zhou, B. A. Trump, M. S. Andersson, A. V. Skripov, and T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124, 17992–18002 (2020).
"Reversible switching between nonporous and porous phases of a new SIFSIX coordination network induced by a flexible linker ligand", B.-Q. Song, Q.-Y. Yang, S.-Q. Wang, M. Vandichel, M. Vandichel, A. Kumar, C. M. Crowley, N. Kumar, C.-H. Deng, V. GasconPerez, M. Lusi, H. Wu, W. Zhou, M. J. Zaworotko, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 6896−6901 (2020).
"Structure and dynamics of ethane confined in silica nanopores in the presence of CO2", T. Liu, S. Gautam, D. R. Cole, S. Patankar, D. Tomasko, W. Zhou, and G. Rother, J. Chem. Phys., 152, 084707 (2020).
"Optimization of the pore structures of MOFs for record high hydrogen volumetric working capacity", X. Zhang, R.-B. Lin, J. Wang, B. Wang, B. Liang, T. Yildirim, J. Zhang,* W. Zhou* and B. Chen*, Adv. Mater., 32, 1907995 (2020). [Highlighted in Nat. Rev. Mater.]
"Understanding superionic conductivity in lithium and sodium salts of weakly coordinating closo-hexahalocarbaborate anions", M. Jørgensen, P. T. Shea, A. Tomich, J. B. Varley, M. Bercx, S. Lovera, R. Cerný, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, V. Lavallo, T. R. Jensen, B. C. Wood, V. Stavila, Chem. Mater., 32, 1475–1487 (2020).
"Mixed metal-organic framework with multiple binding sites for efficient C2H2/CO2 separation", J. Gao,* X. Qian, R.-B. Lin,* R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 4396–4400 (2020).
"A calix[4]resorcinarene-based giant coordination cage: controlled assembly and iodine uptake", W.-Y. Pei, J. Yang,* H. Wu, W. Zhou,* Y.-W. Yang,* J.-F. Ma,* Chem. Commun., 56, 2491–2494 (2020).
"Engineering microporous ethane-trapping metal−organic frameworks for boosting ethane/ethylene separation", J. Pei, J.-X. Wang, K. Shao, Y. Yu, Y. Cui, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* B. Li,* and G. Qian,* J. Mater. Chem. A, 8, 3613–3620 (2020).
"Metallo-N-heterocycles - A new family of hydrogen storage material", K. C. Tan, Y. Yu, R. Chen, T. He, Z. Jing, Q. Pei, J. Wang, Y. S. Chua, A. Wu, W. Zhou, H. Wu, P. Chen, Energy Storage Mater., 26, 198–202 (2020).
"Microporous metal-organic framework materials for gas separation", R.-B. Lin, S. Xiang, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Chem, 6, 337–363 (2020).
"Structural and reorientational dynamics of tetrahydroborate (BH4-) and tetrahydrofuran (THF) in a Mg(BH4)2·3THF adduct: Neutron-scattering characterization", M. Dimitrievska, M. Chong, M. E. Bowden, H. Wu, W. Zhou, I. Nayyar, B. Ginovska, T. Gennett, T. Autrey, C. M. Jensen, and T. J. Udovic, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 368–378 (2020).
"Selective ethane/ethylene separation in a robust microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework", X. Zhang, L. Li, J.-X. Wang, H.-M. Wen, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou, Z.-N. Chen, B. Li, G. Qian, and B. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142, 633−640 (2020).
"Reversed ethane/ethylene adsorption in a metal-organic framework via introduction of oxygen", L. Yang, W. Zhou, H. Li, A. Alsalme, L. Jia, J. Li, L. Li, B. Chen, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., 28, 593−597 (2020).
"A microporous metal-organic framework with naphthalene diimide groups for high methane storage", Y. Ye, R.-B. Lin, H. Cui, A. Alsalme, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Z. Zhang, S. Xiang, and B. Chen, Dalton Trans., 49, 3658–3661 (2020).
"Elucidating J-aggregation effect in boosting singlet oxygen evolution using zirconium-porphyrin frameworks: A comprehensive structural, catalytic, and spectroscopic study", X. Feng, X. Wang, H. Wang,* H. Wu, Z. Liu, W. Zhou,* Q. Lin, and J. Jiang*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 45118–45125 (2019).
"Enhanced gas uptake in a microporous metal-organic framework via a sorbate induced-fit mechanism", M.-H. Yu, B. Space, D. Franz, W. Zhou, C. He, L. Li, R. Krishna, Z. Chang, W. Li, T.-L. Hu, and X.-H. Bu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141, 17703–17712 (2019).
"Tailoring pore geometry and chemistry in microporous metal–organic frameworks for high methane storage working capacity", K. Shao, J. Pei, J.-X. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. Cui, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, B. Li, B. Chen, G. Qian, Chem. Commun., 55, 11402–11405 (2019).
"Low-temperature rotational tunneling of tetrahydroborate anions in lithium benzimidazolate-borohydride Li2(bIm)BH4", A. V. Skripov, M. Dimitrievska, O. A. Babanova, R. V. Skoryunov, A. V. Soloninin, F. Morelle, Y. Filinchuk, A. Faraone, H. Wu, W. Zhou, and T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123, 20789–20799 (2019).
"A flexible microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework", W. Yang, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Crystal Growth Des., 19, 5184–5188 (2019).
"The effect of pore size and layer numbers of metal-porphyrin coordination nanosheets on sensing DNA", C. Liu, T. Wang, J. Ji, C. Wang, H. Wang,* P. Jin, W. Zhou,* J. Jiang,* J. Mater. Chem. C, 7, 10240–10246 (2019).
"Inserting amide into NOTT-101 to sharply enhance volumetric and gravimetric methane storage working capacity", M. Zhang,* C. Chen, Z. Shi, K. Huang, W. Fu*, W. Zhou*, Inorg. Chem., 58, 13782–13787 (2019).
"Potassium octahydridotriborate: Diverse polymorphism in a potential hydrogen storage material and potassium ion conductor", J. B. Grinderslev, K. T. Møller, Y. Yan, X.-M. Chen, Y. Li, H.-W. Li, W. Zhou, J. Skibsted, X. Chen, T. R. Jensen, Dalton Trans., 48, 8872–8881 (2019).
"Post-synthetic metalation of a robust hydrogen-bonded organic framework for heterogeneous catalysis", B. Han, H. Wang, C. Wang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, B. Chen, J. Jiang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141, 8737–8740 (2019).
"Tunable titanium metal–organic frameworks with infinite 1D Ti–O rods for efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic H2 evolution", C. Li, H. Xu, J. Gao, W. Du, L. Shangguan, X. Zhang, R.-B. Lin, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Liu, J. Yao and B. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 7, 119287–11933 (2019).
"Porous metal-organic frameworks for gas storage and separation: Status and challenges", H. Li; L. Li; R. Lin; W. Zhou; Z. Zhang; S. Xiang, B. Chen., EnergyChem, 1, 100006 (2019).
"Pore space partition within a metal-organic framework for highly efficient C2H2/CO2 separation", Y. Ye, Z. Ma, R.-B. Lin, R. Krishna, W. Zhou, Q. Lin, Z. Zhang, S. Xiang, B. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 141, 4130–4136 (2019).
"Microporous metal-organic framework with dual functionalities for efficient separation of acetylene from light hydrocarbon mixtures", H. Li, L. Li, R. Lin, G. Ramirez, W. Zhou, R. Krishna, Z. Zhang, S. Xiang, B. Chen, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 7, 4897–4902 (2019).
"Multifunctional porous hydrogen-bonded organic framework materials", R.-B. Lin, Y. He, P. Li, H. Wang, W. Zhou, and B. Chen, Chem. Soc. Rev., 48, 1362–1389 (2019).
"Our journey of developing multifunctional metal-organic frameworks", R.-B. Lin, S. Xiang, B. Li, Y. Cui, G. Qian, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Coordin. Chem. Rev., 384, 21–36 (2019).
"A metal–organic framework with suitable pore size and dual functionalities for highly efficient post-combustion CO2 capture", H.-M. Wen, C. Liao, L. Li, A. Alsalme, Z. Alothman, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* J. Hu*, B. Chen*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 7, 3128–3134 (2019).
"Exploration of porous metal–organic frameworks for gas separation and purification", R.-B. Lin, S. Xiang, H. Xing, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Coordin. Chem. Rev., 378, 87–103 (2019).
"MIL-100Cr with open Cr sites for a record N2O capture", J. Yang, B. Du, J. Liu, R. Krishna, F. Zhang, W. Zhou, Y. Wang, J. Li, B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 54, 14061–14064 (2018).
"Molecular sieving of ethylene from ethane using a rigid metal-organic framework", R.-B. Lin, L. Li, H.-L. Zhou, H. Wu, C. He, S. Li, R. Krishna, J. Li, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Nat. Mater., 17, 1128–1133 (2018).
"Ethane/ethylene separation in a metal-organic framework with iron-peroxo sites", L. Li, R.-B. Lin, R. Krishna, H. Li, S. Xiang, H. Wu, J. Li,* W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Science, 362, 443–446 (2018).
"Molecular sieving of ethane from ethylene through the molecular cross-section size differentiation in gallate-based metal-organic frameworks", Z. Bao, J. Wang, Z. Zhang, H. Xing, Q. Yang, Y. Yang, H. Wu, R. Krishna, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Q. Ren,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 16020-16025 (2018).
"A metal–organic framework with suitable pore size and specific functional site for record removal of trace propyne from propylene", L. Li, H.-M. Wen, C. He, R.-B. Lin, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou, J. Li, B. Li, B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 15183–15188 (2018).
"Boosting ethane/ethylene separation within isoreticular ultramicroporous metal-organic frameworks", R.-B. Lin, H. Wu, L. Li, X.-L. Tang, Z. Li, J. Gao, H. Cui, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 12940–12946 (2018).
"Visualizing structural transformation and guest binding in a flexible metal-organic framework under high pressure and room temperature", H. Yang, F. Guo, P. Lama, G. Verma, W.-Y. Gao, H. Wu, L. J. Barbour,* W. Zhou,* J. Zhang,* B. Aguila, S. Ma,* ACS Cent. Sci., 4, 1194–1200 (2018).
"Kinetic separation of propylene over propane in a microporous metal-organic framework", L. Li, R.-B. Lin, X. Wang, W. Zhou, L. Jia, J. Li, B. Chen, Chem. Eng. J., 354, 977–982 (2018).
"Reticular chemistry of multifunctional metal-organic framework materials", R.-B. Lin, S. Xiang, B. Li, Y. Cui, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, Isr. J. Chem., 58, 949-961 (2018).
"Nanospace within metal–organic frameworks for gas storage and separation", B. Li, H. Wen, Y. Yang, Y. Cui, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, Mater. Today Nano, 2, 21–49 (2018).
"Nature of decahydro-closo-decaborate anion reorientations in an ordered alkali-metal salt: Rb2B10H10", M. Dimitrievska, V. Stavila, A. V. Soloninin, R. V. Skoryunov, O. A. Babanova, H. Wu, W. Zhou, W. S. Tang, A. Faraone, J. Tarver, B. Trump, A. V. Skripov, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 122, 15198–15207 (2018).
"Controlling pore shape and size of interpenetrated anion-pillared ultramicroporous materials enables molecular sieving of CO2 combined with ultrahigh uptake capacity", M. Jiang, B. Li, X. Cui, Q. Yang, Z. Bao, Y. Yang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, B. Chen, H. Xing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 16628–16635 (2018).
"Fine tuning and specific binding sites with a porous hydrogen-bonded metal-complex framework for gas selective separations", Z. Bao, D. Xie, G. Chang, H. Wu, L. Li, W. Zhou,* H. Wang, Z. Zhang, H. Xing, Q. Yang, M. J. Zaworotko, Q. Ren,* and B. Chen,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140, 4596–4603 (2018).
"Fine-tuning of nano-traps in a stable metal–organic framework for highly efficient removal of propyne from propylene", H.-M. Wen, L. Li, R.-B. Lin, B. Li, B. Hu, W. Zhou, J. Hu, B. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 6, 6931–6937 (2018).
"A metal-organic framework with optimized porosity and functional sites for high gravimetric and volumetric methane storage working capacities", H.-M. Wen, B. Li, L. Li, R.-B. Lin, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, Adv. Mater., 30, 1704792 (2018).
"A single-molecule propyne trap: Highly efficient removal of propyne from propylene with anion-pillared ultramicroporous materials", L. Yang, X. Cui, Q. Yang, S. Qian, H. Wu, Z. Bao, Z. Zhang, Q. Ren, W. Zhou, B. Chen, H. Xing, Adv. Mater., 30, 1705374 (2018).
"Li2NH-LiBH4, a complex hydride with near ambient hydrogen adsorption and fast-lithium ion conduction", H. Wang, H. Cao, W. Zhang, J. Chen, H. Wu, C. Pistidda, X. Ju, W. Zhou, G. Wu, M. Etter, T. Klassen, M. Dornheim, P. Chen, Chem. Eur. J., 24, 1342–1347 (2018).
"Porous metal-organic frameworks for fuel storage", Y. He, F. Chen, B. Li, G. Qian, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Coordin. Chem. Rev., 373, 167–198 (2018).
"Order-disorder transitions and superionic conductivity in the sodium nido-undeca(carba)borates", W. S. Tang, M. Dimitrievska, V. Stavila, W. Zhou, H. Wu, A. A. Talin, T. J. Udovic, Chem. Mater., 29, 10496−10509 (2017).
"An ideal molecular sieve for acetylene removal from ethylene with record selectivity and productivity", B. Li, X. Cui, D. O’Nolan, H.-M. Wen, M. Jiang, R. Krishna, H. Wu, R.-B. Lin, Y.-S. Chen, D. Yuan, H. Xing,* W. Zhou,* Q. Ren, G. Qian, M. J. Zaworotko,* and B. Chen*, Adv. Mater., 29, 1704210 (2017).
"A flexible metal-organic framework with a high density of sulfonic acid sites for proton conduction", F. Yang, G. Xu, Y. Dou, B. Wang, H. Zhang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, J.-R. Li, B. Chen, Nat. Energy, 2, 877–883 (2017).
"Latent porosity in alkali metal M2B12F12 salts: Structures and rapid room- temperature hydration/dehydration cycles", D. V. Peryshkov, E. V. Bukovsky, M. R. Lacroix, H. Wu, W. Zhou, W. M. Jones, M. Lozinšek, T. C. Folsom, D. L. Heyliger, T. J. Udovic, S. H. Strauss, Inorg. Chem., 56, 12023–12041 (2017).
"Lowering band gap of an electroactive metal–organic framework via complementary guest intercalation", Z. Guo, D. K. Panda, M. A. Gordillo, A. Khatun, H. Wu, W. Zhou,* and S. Saha*, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 32413–32417 (2017).
"Two solvent-induced porous hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks: Solvent-effect on structure and functionality", H. Wang, Z. Bao, H. Wu, R.-B. Lin, W. Zhou, T.-L. Hu, B. Li, J. C.-G. Zhao, B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 53, 11150-11153 (2017).
"Construction of ntt-Type metal-organic framework from C2-symmetry hexacarboxylate linker for enhanced methane storage", G. Xu, B. Li,* H. Wu, W. Zhou,* B. Chen,* Crystal Growth Des., 17, 4795–4800 (2017).
"Efficient separation of ethylene from acetylene/ethylene mixtures by a flexible-robust metal-organic framework", L. Li, R.-B. Lin, R. Krishna, X. Wang, B. Li, H. Wu, J. Li,* W. Zhou,* and B. Chen,* J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 18984-18988 (2017).
"Fine tuning of MOF-505 analogues to reduce low pressure methane uptake and enhance methane working capacity", M. Zhang, W. Zhou, T. Pham, W. Liu, Y. He, H. Wu, T. Yildirim, B. Chen, B. Space, Y. Pan, M. J. Zaworotko, J. Bai, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 11426 –11430 (2017).
"Transition and alkali metal complex ternary amides for ammonia synthesis and decomposition", H. Cao, J. Guo, F. Chang, C. Pistidda, W. Zhou, X. Zhang, A. Santoru, H. Wu, N. Schnell, R. Niewa, P. Chen, T. Klassen, M. Dornheim, Chem. Eur. J., 23, 9766–9771 (2017).
"Flexible-robust metal-organic framework for efficient removal of propyne from propylene", L. Li, R.-B. Lin, R. Krishna, X. Wang, B. Li, H. Wu, J. Li,* W. Zhou,* and B. Chen,* J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 7733–7736 (2017).
"Optimized separation of acetylene from carbon dioxide and ethylene in a nanoporous material", R.-B. Lin, L. Li, H. Wu, H. Arman, B. Li, R.-G. Lin, W. Zhou,* B. Chen*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 8022–8028 (2017).
"Versatile assembly of metal-coordinated calix[4]resorcinarene cavitands and cages through ancillary linker tuning", W.-Y. Pei, G.-H. Xu, J. Yang,* H. Wu, B. Chen, W. Zhou,* and J.-F. Ma*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 139, 7648–7656 (2017).
"Ultrahigh and selective SO2 uptake in inorganic anion-pillared hybrid porous materials", X. Cui, Q. Yang, L. Yang, R. Krishna, Z. Zhang, Z. Bao, H. Wu, Q. Ren, W. Zhou, B. Chen, H. Xing, Adv. Mater., 29, 1606929 (2017).
"Comparison of the coordination of B12F122−, B12Cl122−, and B12H122− to Na+ in the solid state: Crystal structures and thermal behavior of Na2(B12F12), Na2(H2O)4(B12F12), Na2(B12Cl12), and Na2(H2O)6(B12Cl12)", E. V. Bukovsky, D. V. Peryshkov, H. Wu, W. Zhou, W. S. Tang, W. M. Jones, V. Stavila, T. J. Udovic, S. H. Strauss, Inorg. Chem., 56, 4369–4379 (2017).
"A microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework with amine sites for selective recognition of small molecules", H. Wang, H. Wu, J. Kan, G. Chang, Z. Yao, B. Li, W. Zhou,* S. Xiang, J. C.-G. Zhao, B. Chen*, J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 8292-8296 (2017).
"Highly enhanced gas uptake and selectivity via incorporating methoxy groups into a microporous metal–organic framework", H.-M. Wen, G. Chang, B. Li, R.-B. Lin, T.-L. Hu, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Crystal Growth Des., 17, 2172–2177 (2017).
"High-pressure methane adsorption in two isoreticular Zr-based metal-organic frameworks constructed from C3-symmetrical tricarboxylates", H. Liu, F. Chen, D. Bai, J. Jiao, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Y. He, Crystal Growth Des., 17, 248–254 (2017).
"A metal–organic framework functionalized with piperazine exhibiting enhanced CH4 storage", M. Zhang,* C. Chen, Q. Wang, W. Fu, K. Huang,* W. Zhou,* J. Mater. Chem. A, 5, 349–354 (2017).
"Porous metal–organic frameworks: Promising materials for methane storage", B. Li, H.-M. Wen, W. Zhou,* J. Q. Xu, B. Chen,* Chem, 1, 557–580 (2016).
"Structural and dynamical trends in alkali-metal silanides characterized by neutron-scattering methods", W. S. Tang, M. Dimitrievska, J.-N. Chotard, W. Zhou, R. Janot, A. V. Skripov, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 21218–21227 (2016).
"Structure-dependent vibrational dynamics of Mg(BH4)2 polymorphs probed with neutron vibrational spectroscopy and first-principles calculations", M. Dimitrievska, J. L. White, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, L. E. Klebanoff and T. J. Udovic, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 25546–25552 (2016).
"Microporous diaminotriazine-decorated porphyrin-based hydrogen-bonded organic framework: Permanent porosity and proton conduction", W. Yang, F. Yang, T.-L. Hu, S. C. King, H. Wang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, J.-R. Li, H. D. Arman, B. Chen, Cryst. Growth Des., 16, 5831–5835 (2016).
"Development of potential organic-molecule-based hydrogen storage materials: Converting C-N bond-breaking thermolysis of guanidine to N-H bond-breaking dehydrogenation", X. Zhou, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, T. Yildirim, J. J. Rush, E. E. Rodriguez, H. Wu, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 41, 18542–18549 (2016).
"The low-temperature structural behavior of sodium 1-carba-closo-decaborate:NaCB9H10", H. Wu, W. S. Tang, W. Zhou, J. D. Tarver, V. Stavila, C. M. Brown, T. J. Udovic, J. Solid State Chem., 243, 162–167 (2016).
"Emerging multifunctional metal-organic framework materials", B. Li, H.-M. Wen, Y. Cui, W. Zhou, G. Qian, B. Chen, Adv. Mater., 28, 8819–8860 (2016).
"A new family of metal borohydride guanidinate complexes: Synthesis, structures and hydrogen-storage properties", H. Wu, X. Zhou, E. E. Rodriguez, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, T. Yildirim, J. J. Rush, J. Solid State Chem., 242, 186-192 (2016).
"Pore chemistry and size control in hybrid porous materials for acetylene capture from ethylene", X. Cui, K. Chen, H. Xing, Q. Yang, R. Krishna, Z. Bao, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Dong, Y. Han, B. Li, Q. Ren, M. J. Zaworotko, B. Chen, Science, 353, 141–144 (2016).
"UTSA-74: A MOF-74 isomer with two accessible binding sites per metal center for highly selective gas separation", F. Luo, C. Yan, L. Dang, R. Krishna, W. Zhou, H. Wu, X. Dong, Y. Han, T.-L. Hu, M. O’Keeffe, L. Wang, M. Luo, R.-B. Lin, B. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 5678–5684 (2016).
"A fluorinated metal-organic framework for high methane storage at room temperature", G. Chang, H.-M. Wen, B. Li, W. Zhou, H. Wang, K. Alfooty, Z. Bao, B. Chen, Cryst. Growth Des., 16, 3395–3399 (2016).
"Extraordinary separation of acetylene-containing mixtures with microporous metal–organic frameworks with open O donor sites and tunable robustness through control of the helical chain secondary building units", Z. Yao, Z. Zhang, L. Liu, Z. Li, W. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Y. Han, B. Chen, R. Krishna, S. Xiang, Chem. Eur. J., 22, 5676–5683 (2016).
"Metal–organic frameworks as platforms for functional materials", Y. Cui, B. Li, H. He, W. Zhou, B. Chen, G. Qian, Acc. Chem. Res., 49, 483–493 (2016).
"Liquid-like ionic conduction in solid lithium and sodium monocarba-closo-decaborates near or at room temperature", W. S. Tang, M. Matsuo, H. Wu, V. Stavila, W. Zhou, A. A. Talin, A. V. Soloninin, R. V. Skoryunov, O. A. Babanova, A. V. Skripov, A. Unemoto, S.-i. Orimo, T. J. Udovic, Adv. Energy Mater., 6, 1502237 (2016).
"Modulating the electrical conductivity of metal–organic framework films with intercalated guest π-systems", Z. Guo, D. K. Panda, K. Maity, D. Lindsey, T. G. Parker, T. Albrecht-Schmitt, J. L. B. Esparza, P. Xiong, W. Zhou and S. Saha, J. Mater. Chem. C, 4, 894–899 (2016).
"High methane storage and working capacities in a NbO-type metal-organic framework", C. Song, H. Liu, J. Jiao, D. Bai, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Y. He, Dalton Trans., 45, 7559-7562 (2016).
“Unparalleled Lithium and Sodium Superionic Conduction in Solid Electrolytes with Large Monovalent Cage-like Anions”, W. S. Tang, A. Unemoto, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, M. Matsuo, H. Wu, S. Orimo, T. Udovic, Energy Environ. Sci., 8, 3637-3645 (2015).
"A microporous metal–organic framework with polarized trifluoromethyl groups for high methane storage", G. Chang, B. Li, H. Wang, Z. Bao, T. Yildirim, Z. Yao, S. Xiang, W. Zhou, B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 51, 14789–14792 (2015).
"A Flexible Microporous Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework for Gas Sorption and Separation", H. Wang, B. Li, H. Wu, T.-L. Hu, Z. Yao, W. Zhou,* S. Xiang, B. Chen*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 9963–9970 (2015).
"Porous metal–organic frameworks with Lewis basic nitrogen sites for high-capacity methane storage", B. Li, H.-M. Wen, H. Wang, H. Wu, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou* and B. Chen*, Energy Environ. Sci., 8, 2504–2511 (2015).
"Microporous metal-organic framework with dual functionalities for highly efficient removal of acetylene from ethylene/acetylene mixtures at room temperature", T.-L. Hu, H. Wang, B. Li, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou, Y. Zhao, Y. Han, X. Wang, W. Zhu, Z. Yao, S. Xiang, B. Chen, Nat. Commun., 6, 7328 (2015).
"Lithium amidoborane hydrazinates: synthesis, structure and hydrogen storage properties", T. He, H. Wu, G. Wu, Z. Li, W. Zhou, X. Ju, D. Xie, P. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 3, 10100–10106 (2015).
"A NbO-type metal-organic framework exhibiting high deliverable capacity for methane storage", C. Song, Y. Ling, Y. Feng, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Y. He, Chem. Commun., 51, 8508–8511 (2015).
"Novel microporous metal-organic framework exhibiting high acetylene and methane storage capacities", X. Duan, C. Wu, S. Xiang, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Y. Cui, Y. Yang, B. Chen, G. Qian, Inorg. Chem., 54, 4377–4381 (2015).
"The Structure of Monoclinic Na2B10H10: A Combined Diffraction, Spectroscopy, and Theoretical Approach", H. Wu, W. S. Tang, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, J. Rush and T. Udovic, CrystEngComm, 17, 3533–3540 (2015).
"The Structural Behavior of LiB10H10", H. Wu, W. S. Tang, V. Stavila, W. Zhou, J. J. Rush, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 6481–6487 (2015).
"An iodide based Li7P2S8I superionic conductor", E. Rangasamy, Z. Liu, M. Gobet, K. Pilar, G. Sahu, W. Zhou, H. Wu, S. Greenbaum and C. Liang, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 1384–1387 (2015).
"Synthesis, structures and dehydrogenation of magnesium borohydride–ethylenediamine composites", J. Chen, Y. S. Chua, H. Wu, Z. Xiong, T. He, W. Zhou, X. Ju, M. Yang, G. Wu, P. Chen, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 40, 412–419 (2015).
"A rod-packing microporous hydrogen-bonded organic framework for highly selective separation of C2H2/CO2 at room temperature", P. Li, Y. He, Y. Zhao, L. Weng, H. Wang, R. Krishna, H. Wu, W. Zhou, M. O'Keeffe, Y. Han and B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54, 574–577 (2015).
"Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Gas Storage and Separation: What, How and Why?", B. Li, H.-M. Wen, W. Zhou, B. Chen, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 3468–3479 (2014).
"Synthesis, Thermal Behaviors and Dehydrogenation Kinetics Studies on Lithiated Ethylenediamine", J. Chen, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, H. Wu, Y. S. Chua, W. Zhou, B. Liu, X. Ju and P. Chen, Chem. Eur. J, 42, 13636–13643 (2014).
"Alkali metal hydride modification on hydrazine borane for improved dehydrogenation", Y. S. Chua, Q. Pei, X. Ju, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, P. Chen, H. Wu, J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 11244–11251 (2014).
"A porous metal-organic framework with an elongated anthracene derivative exhibiting high methane working capacity", H.-M. Wen, B. Li, H. Wang, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou, B. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2, 11516–11522 (2014).
"A thermally derived and optimized structure from ZIF-8 with giant enhancement in CO2 uptake", S. Gadipelli, W. Travis, W. Zhou, Z. X. Guo, Energy Environ. Sci., 7, 2232–2238 (2014).
"A porous metal-organic framework with dynamic pyrimidine groups exhibiting record high methane storage working capacity", B. Li, H.-M. Wen, H. Wang, H. Wu, M. Tyagi, T. Yildirim,* W. Zhou,* B. Chen*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 6207–6210 (2014).
"Methane storage in metal–organic frameworks", Y. He, W. Zhou, G. Qian and B. Chen, Chem. Soc. Rev., 43, 5657–5678 (2014).
"Lithiated primary amine—A new material for hydrogen storage", J. Chen, H. Wu, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, R. Wang, H. Fan, W. Zhou, B. Liu, Y. Chua, X. Ju and P. Chen, Chem. Eur. J., 20, 6632–6635 (2014).
"A highly porous NbO type metal-organic framework constructed from an expanded tetracarboxylate", J. Cai, X. Rao, Y. He, J. Yu, C. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, B. Chen, G. Qian, Chem. Commun., 50, 1552–1554 (2014).
"An ammonia-stabilized mixed-cation borohydride: Synthesis, structure and thermal decomposition behavior", Y. Yang, Y. Liu, H. Wu, W. Zhou, M. Gao, H. Pan, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 135–143 (2014).
"Quest for a highly connected robust porous metal–organic framework on the basis of a bifunctional linear linker and a rare heptanuclear zinc cluster", W.-Y. Gao, R. Cai, L. Meng, L. Wojtas, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, X. Shi and S. Ma, Chem. Commun., 49, 10516–10518 (2013).
"Metastable interwoven mesoporous metal-organic frameworks", Y. He, Z. Guo, S. Xiang, Z. Zhang, W. Zhou, F. R. Fronczek, S. Parkin, S. T. Hyde, M. O’Keeffe, B. Chen, Inorg. Chem., 52, 11580–11584 (2013).
"Expanded organic building units for the construction of highly porous metal-organic frameworks", G.-Q. Kong, Z.-D. Han, Y. He, S. Ou, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, R. Krishna, C. Zou, B. Chen, C.-D. Wu, Chem. Eur. J., 19, 14886–14894 (2013).
"Unusual and highly tunable missing-linker defects in zirconium metal−organic framework UiO-66 and their important effects on gas adsorption", H. Wu, Y. S. Chua, V. Krungleviciute, M. Tyagi, P. Chen, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou*, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135, 10525–10532 (2013).
"A series of metal-organic frameworks with high methane uptake and an empirical equation for predicting methane storage capacity", Y. He,* W. Zhou,* T. Yildirim, B. Chen,* Energy Environ. Sci., 6, 2735–2744 (2013).
"A microporous metal-organic framework with both open metal and lewis basic pyridyl sites for high C2H2 and CH4 storage at room temperature", X. Rao, J. Cai, J. Yu, Y. He, C. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, B. Chen, G. Qian, Chem. Commun., 49, 6719-6721 (2013).
"Alkali and alkaline-earth metal borohydride hydrazinates: Synthesis, structures and dehydrogenation", T. He, H. Wu, J. Chen, W. Zhou, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, J. Chen, T. Zhang, P. Chen, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 10487–10493 (2013).
"Metal cation promoted hydrogen generation in activated aluminium borohydride ammoniates", Z. Tang, Y. Tan, H. Wu, Q. Gu, W. Zhou, C. M. Jensen, X. Yu, Acta Materialia, 61, 4787–4796 (2013).
"Exceptional mechanical stability of highly porous zirconium metal-organic framework UiO-66 and its important implications", H. Wu, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou,* J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 925–930 (2013).
"A microporous metal–organic framework of a rare sty topology for high CH4 storage at room temperature", X. Duan, J. Yu, J. Cai, Y. He, C. Wu, W. Zhou,* T. Yildirim, Z. Zhang, S. Xiang, M. O’Keeffe, B. Chen* and G. Qian*, Chem. Commun., 49, 2043 (2013).
"Vibrational spectroscopic study of subtle phase transitions in alkali borohydrides: Comparison with first-principles calculations", N. Verdal, T. J. Udovic, W. Zhou, J. J. Rush, D. De Vries, M. R. Hartman, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 876–883 (2013).
"A microporous metal-organic framework assembled from an aromatic tetracarboxylate for H2 purification", Y. He, S. Xiang, Z. Zhang, S. Xiong, C. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, R. Krishna and B. Chen, J. Mater. Chem. A, 1, 2543–2551 (2013).
"Li2(NH2BH3)(BH4)/LiNH2BH3: The first metal amidoborane borohydride complex with inseparable amidoborane precursor for hydrogen storage", J. Luo, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Kang, P. Wang, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 38, 197–204 (2013).
"Microporous metal-organic frameworks for storage, and separation of small hydrocarbons", Y. He, W. Zhou, R. Krishna, B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 48, 11813–11831 (2012).
"Structure determination of an amorphous compound AlB4H11", X. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. Zhou, D. A. Knight, T. B. Yisgedu, Z. Huang, H. K. Lingam, B. Billet, T. J. Udovic, G. M. Brown, S. G. Shore, C. M. Wolverton, J.-C. Zhao, Chem. Sci., 3, 3183–3191 (2012).
"Microporous metal-organic framework with potential for carbon dioxide capture at ambient conditions", S. Xiang, Y. He, Z. Zhang, H. Wu, W. Zhou, R. Krishna, B. Chen, Nat. Commun., 3, 954 (2012).
"LiBH4•NH3BH3: a new lithium borohydride ammonia borane compound with a novel structure and favorable hydrogen storage properties", J. Luo, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Kang, Z. Fang, P. Wang, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37, 10750–10757 (2012).
"Characterization of medicinal compounds confined in porous media by neutron vibrational spectroscopy and first-principles calculations: A case study with ibuprofen", K. K. Qian, W. Zhou, X. Xu, T. J. Udovic, Pharmaceutical Research, 29, 2432–2444 (2012).
"A simple and efficient approach to synthesize amidoborane ammoniates: Case study for Mg(NH2BH3)2(NH3)3 with unusual coordination structure", X. Kang, H. Wu, J. Luo, W. Zhou, P. Wang, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 13174-13179 (2012).
"Metal hydrazinoborane LiN2H3BH3 and LiN2H3BH3•2N2H3BH3: Crystal structures and high-extent dehydrogenation", H. Wu, W. Zhou, F. E. Pinkerton, T. J. Udovic, T. Yildirim, J. J. Rush, Energy Environ. Sci., 5, 7531 (2012).
"Raman, FTIR, photoacoustic-FTIR and inelastic neutron scattering spectra of ternary metal hydride salts A2MH5, (A=Ca, Sr, Eu;, M=Ir, Rh) and their deuterides", M. M. Barsan, I. S. Butler, D. F.R. Gilson, R. O. Moyer, Jr., W. Zhou, H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. A, 116, 2490–2496 (2012).
"High separation capacity and selectivity of C2 hydrocarbons over methane within a microporous metal-organic framework at room temperature", Y. He, Z. Zhang, S. Xiang, H. Wu, F. R. Franczek, W. Zhou, R. Krishna, M. O’Keeffe and B. Chen, Chem. Eur. J., 18, 1901–1904 (2012).
"Monoammoniate of calcium amidoborane - synthesis, structure and hydrogen-storage properties", Y. S. Chua, H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Uodovic, G. Wu, Z. Xiong, M. W. Wong and P. Chen, Inorg. Chem., 51, 1599–1603 (2012).
"Borohydride hydrazinates: High hydrogen content materials for hydrogen storage", T. He, H. Wu, G. Wu, J. Wang, W. Zhou, Z. Xiong, J. Chen, T. Zhang, P. Chen, Energy Environ. Sci., 5, 5686-5689 (2012).
"Structures of the strontium and barium dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborates", J.-H. Her, H. Wu, N. Verdal, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, T. J. Udovic, J. Alloys Comp., 514, 71–75 (2012).
"Zn-MOF assisted dehydrogenation of ammonia borane: enhanced kinetics and clean hydrogen generation", G. Srinivas, J. Ford, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37, 3633–3638 (2012).
"A Zn4O-containing doubly interpenetrated porous metal–organic framework for photocatalytic decomposition of methyl orange", M. C. Das, H. Xu, Z. Wang, G. Srinivas, W. Zhou, Y.-F. Yue, V. N. Nesterov, G. Qian and B. Chen, Chem. Commun., 47, 11715–11717 (2011).
“Evidence of a transition to reorientational disorder in the cubic alkali-metal dodecahydro- closo -dodecaborates”, N. Verdal, H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, V. Stavila, W. Zhou, J. J. Rush, J. Solid State Chem., 184, 3110–3116 (2011).
"Low-temperature tunneling and rotational dynamics of the ammonium cations in (NH4)2B12H12", N. Verdal, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, V. Stavila, H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Jenkins, J. Chem. Phys., 135, 094501 (2011).
"Carbon capture in metal-organic frameworks: A comparative study", J. M. Simmons, H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Energy Environ. Sci., 4, 2177–2185 (2011).
"Reorientational dynamics of the dodecahydro-closododecaborate anion in Cs2B12H12", N. Verdal, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, R. L. Cappelletti, W. Zhou, J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 2933–2938 (2011).
"Dehydrogenation tuning of ammine borohydrides using double-metal cations", Y. Guo, H. Wu, W. Zhou, X. Yu, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 4690–4693 (2011).
"A metal-organic framework with optimized open metal sites and pore spaces for high methane storage at room temperature", Z. Guo, H. Wu, G. Srinivas, T. Liao, Y. Zhou, S. Xiang, Z. Chen, Y. Yang, W. Zhou,* M. O’Keeffe and B. Chen*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 3178–3181 (2011).
"Sodium magnesium amidoborane: The first mixed-metal amidoborane", H. Wu, W. Zhou, F. E. Pinkerton, M. S. Meyer, Q. Yao, S. Gadipelli, T. J. Udovic, T. Yildirim and J. J. Rush, Chem. Commun., 47, 4102–4104 (2011).
"Nanoconfinement and catalytic dehydrogenation of ammonia borane by magnesium-metal-organic framework-74", G. Srinivas, J. Ford, W. Zhou, H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, T. Yildirim, Chem. Eur. J., 17, 6043–6047 (2011).
"Alkali and alkaline-earth metal dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborates: Probing structural variations via neutron vibrational spectroscopy", N. Verdal, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, J.-H. Her, M. Yousufuddin, T. Yildirim, T. J. Udovic, J. Alloys Comp., 509S, S694-S697 (2011).
"Structural stability and elastic properties of prototypical covalent organic frameworks", W. Zhou,* H. Wu, T. Yildirim, Chem. Phys. Lett., 499, 103–107 (2010).
"Graphene oxide framework materials: Theoretical predictions and experimental results", J. W. Burress, S. Gadipelli, J. Ford, J. M. Simmons, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49, 8902–8904 (2010). [Press coverage: NIST-Tech-Beat; Physicsworld]
"Adsorption sites and binding nature of CO2 in prototypical metal-organic frameworks: A Combined Neutron Diffraction and First-Principles Study", H. Wu, J. M. Simmons, G. Srinivas, W. Zhou,* and T. Yildirim,* J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 1, 1946–1951 (2010).
"A new family of metal borohydride ammonia borane complex: Synthesis, structures, and hydrogen storage properties", H. Wu, W. Zhou, F. E. Pinkerton, M. S. Meyer, G. Srinivas, T. Yildirim, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, J. Mater. Chem., 20, 6550–6556 (2010).
"Methane storage in porous metal-organic frameworks: Current records and future perspectives", W. Zhou,* Chem. Rec., 10, 200–204 (2010).
"Open metal sites within isostructural metal-organic frameworks for differential recognition of acetylene and extraordinarily high acetylene storage capacity at room temperature", S. Xiang, W. Zhou, Z. Zhang, M. A. Green, Y. Liu, B. Chen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49, 4615–4618 (2010).
"Probing the structure, stability and hydrogen storage properties of calcium dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborate", V. Stavila, J.-H. Her, W. Zhou, S.-J. Hwang, C. Kim, L. A. M. Ottley, T. J. Udovic, J. Solid State Chem., 183, 1133-1140 (2010).
"Metal-organic frameworks with exceptionally high methane uptake: Where and how is methane stored?", H. Wu, J. M. Simmons, Y. Liu, C. M. Brown, X.-S. Wang, S. Ma, V. K. Peterson, P. D. Southon, C. J. Kepert, H.-C. Zhou, T. Yildirim, W. Zhou,* Chem. Eur. J., 16, 5205–5214 (2010).
"True solutions of single-walled carbon nanotubes for assembly into macroscopic materials", V. A. Davis, A. N. G. Parra-Vasquez, M. J. Green, P. K. Rai, N. Behabtu, V. Prieto, R. D. Booker, J. Schmidt, E. Kesselman, W. Zhou, H. Fan, W. W. Adams, R. H. Hauge, J. E. Fischer, Y. Cohen, Y. Talmon, R. E. Smalley, M. Pasquali, Nat. Nanotechnol., 4, 830–834 (2009).
"Exceptionally high acetylene uptake in a microporous metal-organic framework with open metal sites", S. Xiang, W. Zhou, J. M. Gallegos, Y. Liu, B. Chen, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 12415–12419 (2009).
"Crystal chemistry and dehydrogenation/rehydrogenation properties of perovskite hydrides RbMgH3 and RbCaH3", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 15091 (2009).
"Role of cation size on the structural behavior of the alkali-metal dodecahydro-closo-dodecaborates", J.-H. Her, W. Zhou, V. Stavila, C. M. Brown, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 11187 (2009).
"Crystal structure, neutron vibrational spectroscopy, and DFT calculations of Li2B12H12•4H2O", M. Yousufuddin, J.-H. Her, W. Zhou, S. S. Jalisatgi, T. J. Udovic, Inorg. Chim. Acta., 362, 3155 (2009).
"High-capacity methane storage in metal-organic frameworks M2(dhtp): The important role of open metal sites", H. Wu, W. Zhou,* and T. Yildirim, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 4995–5000 (2009). [download the isotherm data in this paper]
"Size effects on the hydrogen storage properties of the nanoscaffolded Li3BN2H8", H. Wu, W. Zhou, K. Wang, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, L. Bendersky, A. F. Gross, S. L. V. Atta, J. J. Vajo, F. E. Pinkerton, M. S. Meyer, Nanotechnology, 20, 204002 (2009).
"Methane sorption in metal-organic frameworks and first-order phase transition of confined methane", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 3029–3035 (2009).
"Enhanced H2 adsorption in isostructural metal-organic frameworks with open metal sites: Strong dependence of the binding strength on metal ions", W. Zhou,* H. Wu, T. Yildirim, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 15268–15269 (2008). [download the cif files of the series of M2(dhtp) MOFs]
"Quasi-free methyl rotation in zeolitic imidazolate framework-8", W. Zhou,* H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 12602–12606 (2008).
"Alkali and alkaline-earth metal amidoboranes: Structure, crystal chemistry, and hydrogen storage properties", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 14834–14839 (2008).
"Crystal structure of Li2B12H12: An intermediate species in the decomposition of LiBH4", J.-H. Her, M. Yousufuddin, W. Zhou, S. S. Jalisatgi, J. G. Kulleck, J. A. Zan, S.-J. Hwang, R. C. Bowman, Jr., T. J. Udovic, Inorg. Chem., 47, 9757–9759 (2008).
"Origin of the exceptional negative thermal expansion in metal-organic framework-5 Zn4O(1,4-benzenedicarboxylate)3", W. Zhou,* H. Wu, T. Yildirim, J. R. Simpson, A. R. Hight Walker, Phys. Rev. B, 78, 054114 (2008).
"Structure variations and hydrogen storage properties of Ca5Si3 with Cr5B3-type structure", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, Chem. Phys. Lett., 460, 4–6, 432 (2008).
"Raman, FTIR, photoacoustic-FTIR and inelastic neutron scattering spectra of alkaline earth and lanthanide salts of hexahydridoruthenate(II), A2RuH6, (A=Ca, Sr, Eu) and their deuterides", M. M. Barsan, I. S. Butler, D. F. R. Gilson, R. O. Moyer, Jr., W. Zhou, H. Wu, T. J. Udovic, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 6936 (2008).
"Nature and tunability of enhanced hydrogen binding in metal-organic frameworks with exposed transition metal sites", W. Zhou* and T. Yildirim, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112, 8132 (2008).
"Crystal chemistry of perovskite-type hydride NaMgH3: Implications for hydrogen storage", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, Chem. Mater., 20, 2335 (2008).
"Structures and crystal chemistry of Li2BNH6 and Li4BN3H10", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, Chem. Mater., 20, 1245 (2008).
"Electronic, dynamical, and thermal properties of ultra-incompressible superhard rhenium diboride: A combined first-principles and neutron scattering study", W. Zhou,* H. Wu, T. Yildirim, Phys. Rev. B, 76, 184113 (2007).
"Hydrogen and methane adsorption in metal-organic frameworks: a high-pressure volumetric study", W. Zhou, H. Wu, M. R. Hartman, T. Yildirim, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 16131 (2007). [download the isotherm data in this paper]
"Hydrogen absorption properties of metal-ethylene complexes", W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, E. Durgun, S. Ciraci, Phys. Rev. B, 76, 085434 (2007).
"Vibrational properties of TiHn complexes adsorbed on carbon nanostructures", J. Iniguez, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Chem. Phys. Lett., 444, 140 (2007).
"Neutron vibrational spectroscopy and first-principles calculations of the ternary hydrides Li4Si2H(D) and Li4Ge2H(D): Electronic structure and lattice dynamics", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, M. R. Hartman, R. C. Bowman, Jr., J. J. Vajo, Phys. Rev. B, 76, 224301 (2007).
"Neutron vibrational spectroscopy of the Pr2Fe17-based hydrides", T. J. Udovic, W. Zhou, H. Wu, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, E. Mamontov, O. Isnard, J. Alloys Comp., 446, 504 (2007).
"Structure and hydrogenation properties of the ternary alloys Ca2−xMgxSi (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, J. Alloys Comp., 446, 101 (2007).
"Structure and interstitial deuterium sites of beta-phase ZrNi deuteride", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, Q. Huang, R. C. Bowman, Jr., Phys. Rev. B, 75, 064105 (2007).
"Structure and vibrational spectra of calcium hydride and deuteride", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, J. Alloys Comp., 436, 51 (2007).
" Hydrogen storage in a novel destabilized hydride system, Ca2SiHx: Effects of amorphization", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, Chem. Mater., 19, 329 (2007).
"Structure of the novel ternary hydrides Li4Tt2D (Tt = Si and Ge)", H. Wu, M. R. Hartman, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, W. Zhou, R. C. Bowman, Jr., J. J. Vajo, Acta. Cryst. B, 63, 63 (2007).
"Hydrogen storage in a prototypical zeolitic imidazolate framework-8", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 129, 5314–5315 (2007).
"Transition metal-ethylene complexes as high-capacity hydrogen storage media", E. Durgun, S. Ciraci, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 226102 (2006). [Featured on the cover of Phys. Rev. Lett.] [Press coverage: NIST-Tech-Beat; EurekAlert!; Physorg]
"Lattice dynamics of metal-organic frameworks: Neutron inelastic scattering and first-principles calculations", W. Zhou* and T. Yildirim, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 180301(R) (2006).
"Structure and hydrogen bonding in CaSiD1-x: Issues about covalent bonding", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, T. Yildirim, Phys. Rev. B, 74, 224101 (2006).
"Single-walled carbon nanotube-templated crystallization of H2SO4: direct evidence for protonation", W. Zhou, P. A. Heiney, H. Fan, R. E. Smalley, J. E. Fischer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 1640–1641 (2005).
"Single-walled carbon nanotubes in superacid: X-ray and calorimetric evidence for partly ordered H2SO4", W. Zhou, J. E. Fischer, P. A. Heiney, H. Fan, V. A. Davies, M. Pasquali, R. E. Smalley, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 045440 (2005).
"Charge transfer and Fermi-level shift in p-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes", W. Zhou, J. Vavro, N. N. Nemes, J. E. Fischer, F. Borondics, K. Kamaras, D. B. Tanner, Phys. Rev. B, 71, 205423 (2005).
"Nanotube networks in polymer nanocomposites: rheology and electrical conductivity", F. Du, R. C. Scogna, W. Zhou, S. Brand, J. E. Fischer, K. I. Winey, Macromolecules, 37, 9048–9055 (2004).
"Dispersing single-walled carbon nanotubes with surfactants: a small angle neutron scattering study", H. Wang, W. Zhou, D. L. Ho, K. I. Winey, J. E. Fischer, C. J. Glinka, E. K. Hobbie, Nano Lett., 4(9), 1789–1793 (2004).
"Macroscopic, neat, single-walled carbon nanotube fibers", L. M. Ericson, H. Fan, H. Peng, V. A. Davis, W. Zhou, J. Sulpizio, Y. Wang, R. Booker, J. Vavro, C. Guthy, A. N. G. Parra-Vasquez, M. J. Kim, S. Ramesh, R. K. Saini, C. Kittrell, G. Lavin, H. Schmidt, W. W. Adams, W. E. Billups, M. Pasquali, W. Hwang, R. H. Hauge, J. E. Fischer, R. E. Smalley, Science, 305, 1447–1450 (2004).
"Out-of-plane preferred orientation of single-wall carbon nanotube films", W. Zhou, K. I. Winey, J. E. Fischer, S. Kumar, H. Kataura, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84(12), 2172–2174 (2004).
"Small angle neutron scattering from single wall carbon nanotube suspensions: evidence of isolated rigid rods and rod networks", W. Zhou, M. F. Islam, H. Wang, D. Ho, A. G. Yodh, K. I. Winey, J. E. Fischer, Chem. Phys. Lett., 384, 185–189 (2004).
"Single wall carbon nanotube fibers extruded from strong acid suspensions: Preferred orientation, electrical, and thermal transport", W. Zhou, J. Vavro, C. Guthy, K. I. Winey, J. E. Fischer, L. M. Ericson, S. Ramesh, R. Saini, V. A. Davis, C. Kittrell, M. Pasquali, R. H. Hauge, R. E. Smalley, J. Appl. Phys., 95(2), 649–655 (2004).
"Nanoporous carbide-derived carbon with tunable pore size", Y. Gogotsi, A. Nikitin, H. Ye, W. Zhou, J. E. Fischer, B. Yi, H. C. Foley, M. W. Barsoum, Nat. Mater., 2(9), 591–594 (2003).
"Magnetically aligned single wall carbon nanotube films: preferred orientation and anisotropic transport properties", J. E. Fischer, W. Zhou, J. Vavro, M. C. Llaguno, C. Guthy, R. Haggenmueller, M. J. Casavant, D. E. Walters, R. E. Smalley, J. Appl. Phys., 93(4), 2157–2163 (2003).
"Production and characterization of highly aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes in polymer composites", R. Haggenmueller, W. Zhou, J. E. Fischer, K. I. Winey, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3(1), 105–110 (2003).
"Structural characterization and diameter-dependent oxidative stability of single wall carbon nanotubes synthesized by the catalytic decomposition of CO", W. Zhou, Y. H. Ooi, R. Russo, P. Papanek, D. E. Luzzi, J. E. Fischer, M. J. Bronikowski, P. A. Willis, R. E. Smalley, Chem. Phys. Lett., 350, 6–14 (2001).
"Expanded graphite -- a new kind of biomedical material", W. Shen, S. Wen, N. Cao, L. Zheng, W. Zhou, Y. Liu, J. Gu, Carbon, 37(2), 356 (1999).
Publications in Conference Proceedings:
"Tailoring of single walled carbon nanohorns for hydrogen storage and catalyst supports", H. Hu, B. Zhao, A. A. Puretzky, C. M. Rouleau, D. Styers-Barnett, D. B. Geohegan, C. M. Brown, Y. Liu, W. Zhou, H. Kabbour, D. A. Neumann, C. Ahn, Carbon 2007 Conference Proceedings (2007).
"Preferred orientation in fibers of HIPCO SWNT from diffuse x-ray scattering", W. Zhou, K. I. Winey, J. E. Fischer, S. Ramesh, R.K. Saini, L. M. Ericson, V. A. Davis, M. Pasquali, R. H. Hauge, R. E. Smalley, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 740, I12.21.1 (2003).
Book Chapters:
"New Progress of Microporous Metal-Organic Frameworks in CO2 Capture and Separation", Z. Zhang, J. Tao, S. Xiang, B. Chen, W. Zhou, in "Materials and Processes for CO2 Capture, Conversion and Sequestration", edited by L. Li, W. Wong-Ng, K. Huang, L. P. Cook, Wiley (2018).
"Current Status of Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks for Methane Storage", Y. He, W. Zhou, B. Chen, in "Metal–Organic Frameworks: Applications in Separations and Catalysis", edited by H. García and S. Navalón, Wiley (2018).
"Metal Amidoboranes", H. Wu, W. Zhou, T. Yildirim, in "Boron Hydrides, High Potential Hydrogen Storage Materials", edited by U. B. Demirci and P. Miele, Nova Publishers (2010).
"Polymer-nanotube composites, fibers, and processes", K. I. Winey, R. Haggenmueller, F. Du, W. Zhou, United States Patent 7,285,591 (issued on October 23, 2007).