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Yi-Kai Liu (Fed)

Computer Scientist

Yi-Kai Liu is a researcher specializing in quantum computation, cryptography and machine learning. He has worked on tamper-resistant quantum devices for cryptography, compressed sensing methods for quantum tomography, quantum algorithms based on wavelet transforms, and the computational complexity of quantum chemistry. He is also a Fellow at QuICS, the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science at the University of Maryland. 


Resilience-Runtime Tradeoff Relations for Quantum Algorithms

Luis Pedro Garcia-Pintos, Tom O'Leary, Tanmoy Biswas, Jacob Bringewatt, Lukasz Cincio, Lucas Brady, Yi-Kai Liu
A leading approach to algorithm design aims to minimize the number of operations in an algorithm's compilation. One intuitively expects that reducing the number

Status Report on the First Round of the Additional Digital Signature Schemes for the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process

Gorjan Alagic, Maxime Bros, Pierre Ciadoux, David Cooper, Quynh Dang, Thinh Dang, John M. Kelsey, Jacob Lichtinger, Carl A. Miller, Dustin Moody, Rene Peralta, Ray Perlner, Angela Robinson, Hamilton Silberg, Daniel Smith-Tone, Noah Waller, Yi-Kai Liu
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is in the process of evaluating public-key digital signature algorithms through a public competition-like

Lower Bounds on Quantum Annealing Times

Luis Pedro Garcia-Pintos, Lucas Brady, Jacob Bringewatt, Yi-Kai Liu
The adiabatic theorem provides sufficient conditions for the time needed to prepare a target ground state. While it is possible to prepare a target state much

Patents (2018-Present)

Created July 30, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022