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Zeid Kootbally (Fed)

Zeïd Kootbally received his Ph.D. in computer science in 2008 from the University of Burgundy, France, for a dissertation on "Moving Object Predictions in Dynamic Environments for Autonomous Ground Vehicles". Since 2005, he is a guest researcher in the Intelligent Systems Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. His research interests include path planning, autonomous navigation, primarily applied to on-road driving.

Selected Publications

A Brief History of PRIDE

Zeid Kootbally, Craig I. Schlenoff, Rajmohan Madhavan
PRIDE (PRediction In Dynamic Environments) is a framework that provides an autonomous vehicle's planning system with information that it needs to perform path


Standards and Performance Metrics for On-Road Automated Vehicles

Craig I. Schlenoff, Zeid Kootbally, Prem Rachakonda, Suzanne Lightman, Apostol Vassilev, David A. Wollman, Edward Griffor
On September 5–8, 2023, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) held the second Standards and Performance Metrics for On‐Road Automated

Agile Industrial Robots

Craig I. Schlenoff, William P. Shackleford, Zeid Kootbally, Brian Antonishek, Frederick M. Proctor, Thomas Kramer, William Harrison, Anthony Downs
In this chapter, we explore existing robot agility research efforts, while focusing on key technologies that help to enable agility, such as the ones mentioned

Assessing Industrial Robot agility through international competitions

Anthony Downs, Zeid Kootbally, William Harrison, Pavlo Piliptchak, Brian Antonishek, Murat Aksu, Craig I. Schlenoff
Manufacturing and Industrial Robotics have reached a point where in order to be more useful to small and medium sized manufacturers, the systems must become

Agility Metrics in the ARIAC Competition

Anthony Downs, Zeid Kootbally, Craig I. Schlenoff
A thriving manufacturing sector is the essential heart of a vibrant and balanced economy in the United States(U.S.). Small and medium manufacturers (SMMs)
Created March 20, 2019, Updated December 8, 2022