John Gillaspy, Metastable Atom Lithography (1994-1999)
For more information about my work on metastable atom lithography, consult the following papers:
- K. Berggren, A. Bard, J.L. Wilbur, J.D. Gillaspy, A.G. Helg, J.J. McClelland, S.L. Rolston, W.D. Phillips, M. Prentiss, and G.M. Whitesides, "Microlithography by Using Neutral Metastable Atoms and Self-Assembled Monolayers," Science 269, 1255 (1995).
- J.D. Gillaspy, K.K. Berggren, A. Bard, J.L. Wilbur, J.J. McClelland, S.L. Rolston, W.D. Phillips, M. Prentiss, and G.M. Whitesides, "Metastable Atom Lithography: A New Technique for Creating Nanostructures," IEEE LEOS 10(February), 9 (1996).
- A. Bard, K.K. Berggren, J.L. Wilbur, J.D. Gillaspy, S.L. Rolston, J.J. McClelland, W.D. Phillips, M. Prentiss, and G.M. Whitesides, "Self-Assembled Monolayers Exposed by Metastable Argon and Metastable Helium for Neutral Atom Lithography and Atomic Beam Imaging," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B15, 1805 (1997).
- L.P. Ratliff, R. Minniti, A. Bard, E.W. Bell, J.D. Gillaspy, D. Parks, A.J. Black, and G.M. Whitesides, "Exposure of self-assembled monolayers to highly charged ions and metastable atoms," Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 590 (1999).