The safety and security of citizens is enhanced when law enforcement and “criminal justice” agencies and the military use the appropriate and properly performing equipment and technologies. To ensure these entities have the necessary equipment, the STG conducts and performs research to advance these technologies and develop the measurement science to ensure optimal performance of these technologies. This work includes the establishment of test and evaluation tools, reference test beds, test artifacts, and documentary standards through leadership in standardization bodies.
The safety and security of citizens is enhanced when law enforcement and criminal justice agencies and the military use the appropriate and properly performing equipment and technologies. To ensure these entities have the necessary equipment, the STG conducts and performs research to advance these technologies and develop the measurement science to ensure optimal performance of these technologies. This work includes the establishment of test and evaluation tools, reference test beds, test artifacts, and documentary standards through leadership in standardization bodies. The STG projects include down-the-road radar, lidar, electroshock weapons, and fingerprinting metrology.
Down-the-road (DTR) radar (radio detection and ranging) is the most commonly used vehicle speed measurement device in the United States. There are over 150 000 DTR radar units in use in the US…
Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is, after DTR radar, the other most prevalent device used to measure vehicle speed in the United States and is the most commonly used technology in Europe. Lidar uses light pulses, typically from a laser, to determine the distance and speed to an object…
The electroshock weapon (ESW), also known as a neuromuscular incapacitator, conducted energy weapon, conducted energy device, etc., is one component of a continuum of force that can be applied by law enforcement and military to control or subdue an assailant or combative person. The ESW …
Fingerprints are the most common nationally and internationally used biometric. Fingerprints are used to enroll populations into social services, allow individuals to access personal electronic devices, allow building and site access, and as a means for criminal investigation…