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U.S. TAG for ISO/TC276: Biotechnology


The primary goal of the US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 276 Biotechnology is to promote emerging biotechnology and biomanufacturing through global standards.

NIST administers the US TAG to ISO/TC276: Biotechnology as a means to coordinate U.S. input to standards development that helps to advance various biotechnology sectors. The US TAG, accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), adheres to the cardinal principles of consensus, due process, and openness. The US TAG maintains a membership that represents balanced U.S. biotechnology interests.


Get involved: Interested U.S. Stakeholders may participate in the US TAG at no cost. Membership provides access to all ISO/TC 276 and US TAG documents, including standards under development. Please click here to join.

Contribute to standards development: Please click here to review, submit comment, and/or vote on open ballots.

Upcoming meetings: Please click here.

Learn more about standards development process: Please click here to check out useful information.

Learn more about the US TAG: The US TAG "mirrors" the structure of ISO/TC 276 in that the US TAG and its parts correspond to the Technical Committee (TC), its Subcommittee (SC) and Working and Joint-Working Groups (WG/JWG). Subject matter experts (SMEs) from Member Organizations participate in standards development in at least one of the US TAG Working Groups that support the development of roughly 60 Standards.

Structure of ISO/TC276

  • ISO/TC 276/SC1:  Analytical methods
  • ISO/TC 276/CAG:  Chair's Advisory Group
  • ISO/TC 276/WG-2:  Biobanks and bioresources
  • ISO/TC 276/WG-3:  Analytical methods (in transition to ISO/TC 276/SC1)
  • ISO/TC 276/WG-4:  Bioprocessing
  • ISO/TC 276/WG-5:  Data processing and integration
  • ISO/TC 276/WG-6:  Nucleic acid- and protein-based devices

Joint working groups under the responsibility of another committee

  • ISO/TC 34/SC 16/JWG 11:  Joint ISO/TC 34/SC 16 – ISO/TC 276 WG:  Biobanking for Agriculture and Food Production
  • ISO/TC 212/JWG 6: Joint ISO/TC 212 – ISO/TC 276 WG:  Quality Practice for Detection of SARS-CoV-2

Click here to learn more about ISO TC276: Biotechnology

Click here to learn more about NIST Biosystems and Biomaterials Division


TAG Administrator: Brian Montgomery
Created January 20, 2015, Updated March 26, 2025