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85Rb BEC Near a Feshbach Resonance



N R. Claussen, S L. Cornish, J L. Roberts, Eric A. Cornell, C E. Wieman


Bose-Einstein condensation has been achieved in a magnetically trapped sample of 85Rb atoms. Stable condensates of up to 104 atoms have been created by using a magnetic-field-induced Feshbach resnance to reverse the sign of the zero-field scattering length. These condensates provide unique opportunities for the study of BEC physics. The variation of the scattering length near the resonance has been used to magnetically tune the condensate self-interaction energy over a very wide range. This range extended from very strong repulsive self-interactions to large attractive ones. The effect of moving the condensate through the Feshbach resonance has been studied and compared with theory. Long-lived metastable condensates with attractive interactions have been produced near the zero of the Feshbach resonance. The transition from repulsive to attractive interactions can lead to a collapes of the condensate in which the cloud shrinks below our resolution limint leses a slignificant number of atoms due to inelastic losses, and emits a burst of of high-energy atoms.
Proceedings Title
International Conference on Atopmic Physics | 17th | Atomic Physics 17: XVII International Conference on Atomic Physics; ICAP 2000 | AIP
Conference Dates
June 4-9, 2000
Conference Location
Florence, 1, IT
Conference Title
AIP Conference Proceedings


<sup>85</sup>Rb, BEC, Feschbach


Claussen, N. , Cornish, S. , Roberts, J. , Cornell, E. and Wieman, C. (2001), <sup>85</sup>Rb BEC Near a Feshbach Resonance, International Conference on Atopmic Physics | 17th | Atomic Physics 17: XVII International Conference on Atomic Physics; ICAP 2000 | AIP, Florence, 1, IT (Accessed January 2, 2025)


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Created January 31, 2001, Updated October 12, 2021