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Media Forensics Challenge Image Provenance Evaluation and State-of-the-Art Analysis on Large-Scale Benchmark Datasets



Xiongnan Jin, Yooyoung Lee, Jonathan G. Fiscus, Haiying Guan, Amy Yates, Andrew Delgado, Daniel F. Zhou


With the development of storage, transmission, editing, and sharing tools, digital forgery images are propagating rapidly. The need for image provenance analysis has never been more timely. Typical applications are content tracking, copyright enforcement, and forensics reasoning. However, large-scale image provenance datasets, which contain diverse manipulation history graphs with various manipulation operations and rich metadata, are still needed to facilitate the research. It is one of the major factors that hinders the development of techniques for image provenance analysis. To address this issue, we introduce large-scale benchmark datasets for provenance analysis, namely Media Forensics Challenge-Provenance (MFC-Prov) datasets. Two provenance tasks are designed along with evaluation metrics. Furthermore, extensive analysis is conducted for system performance in terms of accuracy on our datasets.
NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR) - 8325
Report Number


Media Forensics Challenge, Provenance Evaluation, MFC-Prov, Benchmark Dataset, Image Provenance Analysis.


Jin, X. , Lee, Y. , , J. , Guan, H. , Yates, A. , Delgado, A. and Zhou, D. (2020), Media Forensics Challenge Image Provenance Evaluation and State-of-the-Art Analysis on Large-Scale Benchmark Datasets, NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, [online], (Accessed February 19, 2025)


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Created October 25, 2020, Updated June 24, 2021