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Phase-resolved electrical detection of coherently coupled magnonic devices



Yi Li, Chenbo Zhao, Vivek P. Amin, Zhizhi Zhang, Michael Vogel, Yuzan Xiong, Joseph Sklenar, Ralu Divan, John Pearson, Wei Zhang, Mark D. Stiles, Axel Hoffmann, Valentine Novosad


We demonstrate the electrical detection of a strongly coupled magnon-magnon hybrid system based on yttrium iron garnet/permalloy (YIG/Py) bilayer devices. Direct microwave current injection through the conductive Py layer drives the hybrid dynamics consisting of the uniform mode of Py and the fi rst standing spin wave (n = 1) mode of YIG, which are strongly coupled via interfacial exchange coupling. The hybrid dynamics is detected via the spin rectifi cation signal from Py, which provides phase resolution of the coupled dynamics. For the Py-dominated mode we measure a constant phase evolution. For the YIG-dominated mode a pi phase shift is measured across the avoided crossing, which agrees with theoretical prediction. In addition, the phase characterization of a nonlocal device reveals the driving mechanism of the microwave field. Our results provide a new device platform for exploring hybrid magnonic dynamics and probing their phases, which are crucial for implementing coherent information processing with magnon excitations.
Applied Physics Letters


magnon, interfacial exchange, spin-wave modes, microwave current, magnetic precession


Li, Y. , Zhao, C. , Amin, V. , Zhang, Z. , Vogel, M. , Xiong, Y. , Sklenar, J. , Divan, R. , Pearson, J. , Zhang, W. , Stiles, M. , Hoffmann, A. and Novosad, V. (2021), Phase-resolved electrical detection of coherently coupled magnonic devices, Applied Physics Letters, [online],, (Accessed February 12, 2025)


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Created May 20, 2021, Updated October 12, 2021