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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 26 - 50 of 564

Fundamental Equation of State for Fluid Tetrahydrofuran

October 9, 2023
Felix Fiedler, Joel Karog, Eric W. Lemmon, Monika Thol
An empirical equation of state in terms of the Helmholtz energy for tetrahydro- furan is presented. In the validity range from the triple-point temperature up to 550 K and pressures up to 600 MPa, the equation of state enables the calculation of all

Report on High Energy Arcing Fault Experiments: Experimental Results from Medium-Voltage Bus Duct and Switchgear Enclosures

September 15, 2023
Gabriel Taylor, Anthony D. Putorti Jr., Scott Bareham, Christopher U. Brown, Wai Cheong Tam, Ryan Falkenstein-Smith, Stephen Fink, Michael Heck, Edward Hnetkovsky, Nicholas Melly, Kenneth Hamburger, Kenneth Miller
This report documents an experimental program designed to investigate high energy arcing fault (HEAF) phenomena for medium-voltage, metal-enclosed bus ducts and switchgear. This report covers full-scale laboratory experiments using representative nuclear

National Institute of Standards and Technology Environmental Scan 2023: Societal and Technology Landscape to Inform Science and Technology Research

August 23, 2023
Ashley Boggs-Russell, Kerrianne Buchanan, David W. Griffith, Heather Evans, Dimitrios Meritis, Lisa Ng, Anna Sberegaeva, Michelle Stephens
The 2023 National Institute of Standards and Technology Environmental Scan provides an analysis of key external factors that could impact NIST and the fulfillment of its mission in coming years. The analyses were conducted through three separate lenses

An Evolving Regulatory Landscape for Commercial Electric Vehicle Fueling

August 22, 2023
Tina G. Butcher, Michael Nelson
Plug-in electric vehicles (PEV), which include "all-electric" battery EV (BEV) and plug-in hybrid EV (PHEV), comprise a rapidly growing proportion of the U.S. automobile market – nearly 8% of all light-duty vehicles sold in Oct. 2022, a 41.4% rise over

Imaging local luminescence variations in CdSe0.1Te0.9 thin films grown by the colossal grain growth process.

August 4, 2023
Ganga Neupane, Andrew Winchester, Nicolas Marquez Peraca, David Albin, Joel Duenow, Matthew Reese, Sujitra Pookpanratana, Susanna Thon, Behrang Hamadani
Clear visualization and understanding of luminescence properties of grain interiors and grain boundaries in polycrystalline thin-film photovoltaic materials are crucial to achieving high-performance solar cells. Luminescence-based measurements, for example

Non-nulling Protocols for Fast, Accurate, 3-D Velocity Measurements in Stacks

July 28, 2023
Iosif Isaakovich Shinder, Aaron Johnson, James Filla, Vladimir B. Khromchenko, Michael R. Moldover, Joey Boyd, John D. Wright, John R. Stoup
We present protocols for making fast, accurate, 3-D velocity measurements in the stacks of coal-fired power plants. The measurements are traceable to internationally-recognized standards; therefore, they provide a rigorous basis for measuring and/or

Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Edge Computing for Wide Area Monitoring

July 7, 2023
Bin Hu, Hamid Gharavi
The massive digital information generated in conjunction with the ever-increasing phasor measurement data in the power grid has led to a tremendous constraint on the analysis and timely processing of real-time data. Under these conditions, leveraging

What limits the voltage of GaAs photovoltaic devices under low indoor light?

June 19, 2023
Behrang Hamadani, Margaret Stevens, Matthew Lumb, Kenneth Schmieder
The external radiative efficiency of a photovoltaic device is a useful metric to compare different photovoltaic technologies and material systems. However, under low-intensity indoor lighting, a particular open-circuit voltage dependence arises that cannot

Assessment of a Parachor Model for the Surface Tension of Binary Mixtures

June 7, 2023
Alexandra Metallinou Log, Vladimir Diky, Marcia L. Huber
We constructed an experimental database for the surface tension of binary mixtures containing a wide variety of fluids, from the chemical classes (water, alcohols, amines, ketones, linear and branched alkanes, naphthenes, aromatics, refrigerants, and

Quantifying Reactor Power Noise - A Case Study on NIST Research Reactor

May 26, 2023
Anil Gurgen, Dagistan Sahin, James R. Whipple
Water cooled reactors experience reactivity changes when voids are present in the coolant. The fraction of coolant in the core diminutions in the event of boiling, and the reactivity feedback can either be positive due to reducing neutron absorption in the

High-throughput printing of combinatorial materials from aerosols

May 10, 2023
Minxiang Zeng, Yipu Du, Nicholas Kempf, Miles Bimrose, Jiahao Chen, Dylan Kirsch, Joshua B. Martin, Bowen Zhang, Tatsunori Hayashi, Mortaza Saeidi-Javash, Hirotaka Sakaue, Babak Anasori, Michael McMurtrey, Yanliang Zhang
The development of new materials and their compositional and microstructural optimization are essential in regard to next-generation technologies such as clean energy and environmental sustainability. However, materials discovery and optimization have been

Phosphate-Functionalized MOF-808 for High Performance Li-S Batteries

May 8, 2023
Bingqian Liu, Avery Baumann, Megan Butala, V. Sara Thoi
Lithium–sulfur batteries are promising candidates for next-generation energy storage devices due to their outstanding theoretical energy density. However, they suffer from low sulfur utilization and poor cyclability, greatly limiting their practical

The optical and magnetic properties of Ru-doped hybrid improper perovskite Ca3Mn2O7 via experimental and first-principles calculations

April 7, 2023
Kejia Yuan, Hanwen Zhang, Tianqi Xiao, Zhiyan Li, Winnie Wong-Ng, Wei Zhou, Chao Wang, Shouyu Wang, Weifang Liu
The quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper layered perovskites with single-phase multiferroicity have attracted much attention in recent magnetoelectric memory applications. We have systematically investigated the optical and magnetic properties of Ru-doped hybrid

Considering Interoperability for Electric Vehicle Charging: A Commission Case Study

March 13, 2023
Cuong Nguyen, Avi Gopstein, Danielle Sass Byrnett, Kerry Worthington, Christopher Villarreal
As adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) increases across the United States and charging equipment to power vehicles is installed, the electricity system, states, utilities, EV manufacturers, EV supply equipment (EVSE) manufacturers, and stakeholders are

Structural and thermal properties of Eu2Ga11Sn35

March 3, 2023
Wilarachchige Gunatilleke, Mingjian Zhang, Winnie Wong-Ng, Peter Zavalij, George S. Nolas
Clathrates have been reported in a variety of different structure types, however, inorganic clathrate-I materials with a low-cation concentration have yet to be investigated while tin-based compositions have been much less investigated as compared to
Displaying 26 - 50 of 564