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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 26 - 50 of 155

A Methodology for Modeling Interoperability for Smart Sensors in Smart Grids

January 1, 2022
Edward Griffor, Eugene Song, Kang B. Lee, Gerald J. FitzPatrick
Smart sensors in smart grids (SGs) can provide real-time data and status of modernized, bidirectional flows of energy, electrical power grids for monitoring, protection, and control of grid operations to improve reliability and resilience. Smart sensor

Security for IEEE P1451.0-Based IoT Sensor Networks

November 13, 2021
Eugene Song, Kang B. Lee, Ke Zhou, Jun Wu
The challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) sensor networks include connectivity, interoperability, security, and privacy. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) P1451.0 standard is being revised based on these challenges and

Time Synchronization of IEEE P1451.0 and P1451.1.6 Standard-based Sensor Networks

November 13, 2021
Hiroaki Nishi, Eugene Song, Yuichi Nakamura, Kang B. Lee, Yucheng Liu, Kim Fung Tsang
This paper introduces the proposed time synchronization approaches to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) P1451.0 standard-based sensor networks for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. A time synchronization architecture of IEEE

Distributed Energy Resource Security: Potential Guidelines and Research Topics

October 6, 2021
Avi Gopstein, Nelson Hastings, Larry Feldman, Ravi Agarwal, Nadya Bartol
This paper describes an effort to validate the applicability of cybersecurity controls from the 2014 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Interagency Report 7628 Revision 1 (NISTIR 7628 r1) Guidelines for Smart Grid Cybersecurity to High

Load Forecasting Tool for NIST Transactive Energy Market

September 27, 2021
Farhad Omar, David Holmberg
Customers and transactive energy (TE) market managers may rely on load forecasting algorithms to purchase or sell power in a forward market environment, using day-ahead and real-time pricing structures. Accurate load forecasting becomes necessary when a

Design and Experimentation Guidelines for DER's Emulation Testbed

September 21, 2021
Hasnae Bilil, Anfal Hathah, Abdella Battou
Due to the increasing integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) into the national grid, research is needed to understand high DER penetration in relation to grid reliability and stability. Emulation-based research is a viable option to consider

Use of Traveling Wave Signatures in Medium Voltage Distribution Systems for fault detection and location

August 17, 2021
DJ Anand, Avi Gopstein, Kumaraguru Prabakar, Lucas Monzon, Akanksha Singh, Matthew Reynolds, Yashwanth Nag Velaga, Jonathan Maack, Soumya Tiwari, Jina Roy, Colin Tombari, Ismael Mendoza Carrillo, Xinshuo Yang, Spatika Iyengar, William John
Protection systems are a critical feature for the proper operation of an electric grid. Protection systems should be able to quickly detect, identify, locate, and isolate the faults within a time frame that prevents damage to grid components and reduces

An Introduction to the NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Framework

June 1, 2021
Avi Gopstein
To address changes taking place in the grid, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published an update to its Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards. This fourth release of the Smart Grid Framework addresses

Summary Report on NIST Smart Grid Testbeds and Collaborations Workshops

March 3, 2021
Avi Gopstein, Allen R. Goldstein, Dhananjay Anand, Paul A. Boynton
This report captures feedback from two workshops that NIST conducted to determine the challenges and opportunities in the use and design of Smart Grid Testbeds and Collaborations, which were held April 11, 2019, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Integrated Sensor Data Processing for Occupancy Detection in Residential Buildings

February 22, 2021
Chenli Wang, Jun Jiang, Thomas Roth, Cuong Nguyen, Yuhong Liu, Hohyun Lee
Based on the data from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the total annual energy consumed by buildings in the United States has increased by 325% over the past 70 years. Many commercial buildings utilize a building management system (BMS) and

Characterization of residential circuit impedance

February 17, 2021
DJ Anand, Md Amimul Ehsan, Wenqi Guo
Electrical harmonics associated with switching power electronics have been observed to induce electromagnetic interference with equipment sharing the same electrical circuit, some research studies have documented cases of malfunction and even damage of

Quantifying Operational Resilience Benefits of the Smart Grid

February 9, 2021
Cheyney O'Fallon, Avi Gopstein
Automated systems for network protection, outage management, and restoration enable utilities to maintain service continuity through network reconfiguration even when confronted with a major hurricane. We employ a reduced form approach to evaluate the

Design and Capabilities of the Assistive Clock Fusion Testbed

February 4, 2021
Dhananjay Anand
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working with industry and academia to develop algorithms and technologies to improve the resilience of timing subsystems used in high-performance sensing and control hardware. Resilience

Hierarchical, grid-aware, and economically optimal coordination of distributed energy resources in realistic distribution systems

December 9, 2020
DJ Anand, Mads Almassalkhi, Sarnaduti Brahma, Nawaf Nazir, Hamid Ossareh, Pavan Racherla, Soumya Kundu, Sai Pushpak Nandanoori, Thiagarajan Ramachandran, Ankit Singhal, Dennice Gayme, Chengda Ji, Enrique Mallada, Yue Shen, Pengcheng You
Forward-looking renewable portfolio standards will lead to extreme levels of variable solar PV in electric distribution systems, which makes reliability more challenging to maintain for distribution system operators (DSOs). To facilitate reliability under

Faster, More Accurate, Stack-Flow Measurements

February 25, 2020
Aaron N. Johnson, Iosif I. Shinder, Bernard J. Filla, Joey T. Boyd, Rodney A. Bryant, Michael R. Moldover, Thomaa D. Martz, Matthew Gentry
Exhaust flows from coal-fired electricity-generating-plants are determined by measuring the flue gas velocity at prescribed points in the stack cross section. These velocity measurements are made using EPA-approved differential pressure probes such as the
Displaying 26 - 50 of 155