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Displaying 76 - 100 of 2430

The Black Hole Explorer: Instrument System Overview

June 14, 2024
Daniel P. Marrone, Janice Houston, Kazunori Akiyama, Bryan Bilyeu, Don Boroson, Paul Grimes, Kari Haworth, Robert Lehmensiek, Eliad Peretz, Hannah Rana, Laura Sinclair, Sridharan Tirupati Kumara, Ranjani Srinivasan, Edward Tong, Jade Wang, Jonathan Weintroub, Michael D. Johnson
The Black Hole Explorer (BHEX) is a space very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) mission concept that is currently under development. BHEX will study supermassive black holes at unprecedented resolution, isolating the signature of the "photon ring" —

The Black Hole Explorer: Motivation and Vision

June 13, 2024
Michael D. Johnson, Kazunori Akiyama, Rebecca Baturin, Bryan Bilyeu, Lindy Blackburn, Don Boroson, Alejandro Cardena-Avendano, Andrew Chael, Chi-kwan Chan, Dominic Chang, Peter Cheimets, Cathy Chou, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Joseph Farah, Peter Galison, Ronald Gamble, Charles F. Gammie, Zachary Gelles, Jose L. Gomez, Samuel E. Gralla, Paul Grimes, Shahar Hadar, Kari Haworth, Kazuhiro Hada, Michael H. Hecht, Mareki Honma, Janice Houston, Ben Hudson, Sara Issaoun, He Jia, Svetlana Jorstad, Jens Kauffmann, Yuri Kovalev, Leonid I. Gurvits, Peter Kurczynski, Robert Lafon, Alexandru Lupsasca, Robert Lehmensiek, Chung-Pei Ma, Daniel P. Marrone, Alan P. Marscher, Gary J. Melnick, Ramesh Narayan, Kotaro Niinuma, Scott C. Noble, Eric J. Palmer, Daniel C. Palumbo, Lenny Paritsky, Eliad Peretz, Dominic Pesce, Alexander Plavin, Eliot Quataert, Hannah Rana, Angelo Ricarte, Freek Roelofs, Katia Shtyrkova, Laura Sinclair, Jeffrey Small, Sridharan Tirupati Kumara, Ranjani Srinivasan, Andrew Strominger, Paul Tiede, Edward Tong, Jade Wang, Jonathan Weintroub, Maciek Wielgus, George Wong, Xinyue Alice Zhang
We present the Black Hole Explorer (BHEX), a mission that will produce the sharpest images in the history of astronomy by extending submillimeter Very-Long-Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) to space. BHEX will discover and measure the bright and narrow

Reactor Antineutrino Directionality Measurement with the PROSPECT-I Detector

June 12, 2024
Hans Mumm, Manoa Andriamirado, Baha Balantekin, Christopher Bass, Ohana Benevides Rodrigues, Ethan Bernard, Nathaniel Bowden, Christopher Bryan, Rachel Carr, Timothy Classen, Andrew Conant, Geoffrey Deichert, Michelle Dolinski, Anna Erickson, Alfredo Galindo-Uribarri, Sasmit Gokhale, Chris Grant, Sunej Hans, Adam Hansell, Karsten Heeger, Blaine Heffron, David Jaffe, Shashank Jayakumar, John Koblanski, Paige Kunkle, Charles Lane, Bryce Littlejohn, Adrian Lozano Sanchez, Xiaobin (Jeremy) Lu, Jelena Maricic, Michael Mendenhall, Andrew Meyer, Radovan Milincic, Paul Mueller, Russell Neilson, Xin Qian, Christian Roca, Richard Rosero, Pranava Teja Surukuchi, Felicia Sutanto, Diego Venegas-Vargas, Pierce Weatherly, James Wilhelmi, Minfang Yeh, Chao Zhang, Xianyi Zhang
The PROSPECT-I detector has several features that enable measurement of the direction of a compact neutrino source. In this paper, a detailed report on the directional measurements made on electron antineutrinos emitted from the High Flux Isotope Reactor

Quantum metrology algorithms for dark matter searches with clocks

June 7, 2024
Muhammad Zaheer, Naleli Matjelo, David Hume, Marianna Safronova, David Leibrandt
Quantum metrology involves improving the sensitivity of a quantum sensor to a signal while circumventing sensitivity to noise using algorithms from quantum information science. Atomic clocks are among the most sensitive quantum sensors, with recent

Dual-comb correlation spectroscopy of thermal light

May 23, 2024
Eugene Tsao, Alexander Lind, Connor Fredrick, Ryan Cole, Peter Chang, Kristina Chang, Dahyeon Lee, Matthew Heyrich, Nazanin Hoghooghi, Franklyn Quinlan, Scott Diddams
The detection of light of thermal origin is the principal means by which humanity has learned about our world and the cosmos. In optical astronomy, in particular, direct detection of thermal photons and the resolution of their spectra have enabled

Ring-exchange interaction effects on magnons in the Dirac magnet CoTiO3

May 21, 2024
Yufei Li, Thuc Mai, Mohammed Karaki, Evan Jasper, Kevin Garrity, Chase Lyon, Daniel Shaw, Timmothy DeLazzer, Adam Biacchi, Rebecca Dally, Daniel Heligman, Jared Gdanski, Tehseen Adel, Maria Munoz, Alex Giovannone, Amit Pawbake, Clement Faugeras, Jeffrey Simpson, Kate Ross, Nandini Trivedi, Yuanming Lu, Angela R. Hight Walker, Rolando Valdes Aguilar
In magnetically ordered materials with localized electrons, it has been known for a long time [1–3] that the fundamental interactions are due to exchange of electrons. In most cases only the interaction between pairs of spins in neighboring atoms is taken

An atomic boson sampler

May 8, 2024
Aaron Young, Shawn Geller, William Eckner, Nathan Schine, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Adam Kaufman

Robustness of the projected squeezed state protocol

May 8, 2024
Byron Alexander, John J. Bollinger, Mark Tame
Projected squeezed (PS) states are multipartite entangled states generated by unitary spin squeezing, followed by a quantum measurement and post-selection. They lead to an appreciable decrease in the state preparation time of the maximally entangled N

Rydberg states of alkali atoms in atomic vapor as SI-traceable field probes and communications receivers

May 8, 2024
Noah Schlossberger, Nik Prajapati, Samuel Berweger, Andrew Rotunno, Aly Artusio-Glimpse, Abrar Sheikh, Eric Norrgard, Christopher L. Holloway, Stephen Eckel
Rydberg states of alkali atoms are highly sensitive to electric fields because their electron wavefunction has a large spatial extent, leading to large polarizabilities for static fields and large transition dipole moments for time-varying fields

Rydberg states of alkali atoms in atomic vapor as SI-traceable field probes and communications receivers

May 8, 2024
Noah Schlossberger, Nik Prajapati, Samuel Berweger, Aly Artusio-Glimpse, Matt Simons, Abrar Sheikh, Andrew Rotunno, Eric Norrgard, Stephen Eckel, Christopher L. Holloway
Rydberg states of alkali atoms are highly sensitive to electric fields because their electron wavefunction has a large spatial extent, leading to large polarizabilities for static fields and large transition dipole moments for time-varying fields

Single-electron states of phosphorus-atom arrays in silicon

May 8, 2024
Maicol Ochoa, Keyi Liu, Michal Zielinski, Garnett W. Bryant
We characterize the single-electron energies and the wavefunction structure of arrays with two, three, and four phosphorus atoms in silicon by implementing atomistic tight-binding calculations and analyzing wavefunction overlaps to identify the single

JARVIS-Leaderboard: A Large Scale Benchmark of Materials Design Methods

May 7, 2024
Kamal Choudhary, Daniel Wines, Kevin Garrity, aldo romero, Jaron Krogel, Kayahan Saritas, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Paul Kent, Pascal Friederich, Vishu Gupta, Ankit Agrawal, Pratyush Tiwary, ichiro takeuchi, Robert Wexler, Arun Kumar Mannodi-Kanakkithodi, Avanish Mishra, Kangming Li, Adam Biacchi, Francesca Tavazza, Ben Blaiszik, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Maureen E. Williams
Reproducibility and validation are major hurdles for scientific development across many fields. Materials science in particular encompasses a variety of experimental and theoretical approaches that require careful benchmarking. Leaderboard efforts have

Thermoreversible gels of hollow silica nanorod dispersions

May 1, 2024
Haesoo Lee, KHUSHBOO SUMAN, David Moglia, Ryan Murphy, Norman Wagner
Colloidal suspensions of anisotropic particles are ubiquitous in particle-based industries. Consequently, there is a need to quantify the effects of particle shape on equilibrium phases and kinetic state transitions, particularly at lower aspect ratios (L

Quantum Scattering of Icosahedron Fullerene C_60} with Noble-Gas Atoms

April 22, 2024
Eite Tiesinga, Jacek Klos, Svetlana Kotochigova
There exist multiple ways to cool neutral molecules. A front runner is the technique of buffer gas cooling, where momentum-changing collisions with abundant cold noble-gas atoms cool the molecules. This approach can, in principle, produce the most diverse

Indium Bump Bonding: Advanced Integration Techniques for Low-Temperature Detectors and Readout

April 20, 2024
Tammy Lucas, John Biesecker, W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese, Shannon Duff, Malcolm Durkin, Richard Lew, Joel Ullom, Michael Vissers, Dan Schmidt
We have examined the influence of bump shape and bonding pressure on low temperature electrical properties of indium bump connections including transition temperature, normal resistance, and superconducting critical current. We describe our test structures

Laser cooling 88Sr to microkelvin temperature with an integrated-photonics system

April 19, 2024
Andrew Ferdinand, Zheng Luo, Sindhu Jammi, Zachary Newman, Grisha Spektor, Okan Koksal, Akash Rakholia, Daniel Sheredy, Parth Patel, Travis Briles, Wenqi Zhu, Martin Machai Boyd, Amit Agrawal, Scott Papp
We report on experiments generating a magneto-optical trap (MOT) of 88-strontium (88Sr) atoms at microkelvin temperature, using integrated-photonics devices. With metasurface optics integrated on a fused-silica substrate, we generate six-beam, circularly p
Displaying 76 - 100 of 2430