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NIST Authors in Bold

Displaying 101 - 125 of 2430

Experimental speedup of quantum dynamics through squeezing

April 17, 2024
Shaun Burd, Hannah Knaack, Raghavendra Srinivas, Christian Arenz, Alejandra Collopy, Laurent Stephenson, Andrew C. Wilson, David Wineland, Dietrich Leibfried, John J. Bollinger, David Allcock, Daniel Slichter
We show experimentally that a broad class of interactions involving quantum harmonic oscillators can be made stronger (amplified) using a unitary squeezing protocol. While our demonstration uses the motional and spin states of a single trapped $^25}$Mg$^+}

Tunable zero-field magnetoresistance responses in Si transistors: Origins and applications

April 16, 2024
Stephen Moxim, Nicholas Harmon, Kenneth Myers, James P Ashton, Elias Frantz, Michael Flatte, Patrick Lenahan, Jason Ryan
The near-zero-field magnetoresistance (NZFMR) response has proven to be a useful tool for studying atomic-scale, paramagnetic defects that are relevant to the reliability of semiconductor devices. The measurement is simple to make and, in some cases

Collision-resolved pressure sensing

April 11, 2024
Daniel Carney, Daniel Barker, Thomas W. LeBrun, David Moore, Jacob Taylor
Heat and pressure are ultimately transmitted via quantized degrees of freedom, like gas particles and phonons. While a continuous Brownian description of these noise sources is adequate to model measurements with relatively long integration times

Excited-Band Coherent Delocalization for Improved Optical Lattice Clock Performance

March 24, 2024
Jacob Siegel, Andrew Ludlow, Youssef Hassan, Kyle Beloy, Tanner Grogan, Chun-Chia Chen
We implement coherent delocalization as a tool for improving the two primary metrics of atomic clock performance: systematic uncertainty and instability. By decreasing atomic density with co- herent delocalization, we suppress cold-collision shifts and two

Legacy of Charlotte Moore Sitterly in the Internet Age

March 19, 2024
Alexander Kramida
Most (yet not all) results of atomic physics research of Charlotte Moore Sitterly (CMS), which was closely connected to astrophysics, are now incorporated in online databases, one of which is the Atomic Spectra Database of the National Institute of

Multi-harmonic near-infrared-ultraviolet dual-comb spectrometer

March 19, 2024
Kristina Chang, Daniel Lesko, Carter Mashburn, Peter Chang, Eugene Tsao, Alexander Lind, Scott Diddams
Dual-comb spectroscopy in the ultraviolet (UV) and visible would enable broad bandwidth electronic spectroscopy with unprecedented frequency resolution. However, there are significant challenges in generation, detection, and processing of dual-comb data

Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator

March 6, 2024
Igor Kudelin, William Groman, Scott Diddams, Dahyeon Lee, Megan Kelleher, Takuma Nakamura, Charles McLemore, Franklyn Quinlan, Qing-Xin Ji, Joel Guo, Andrey Matsko, John Bowers, Kerry Vahala, Warren Jin, Lue Wu, Yifan Liu, Wei Zhang, Steven Bowers, Joe Campbell, Pedram Shirmohammadi, Samin Hanifi, Haotian Cheng, Naijun Jin, Sam Halliday, Zhaowei Dai, Chao Xiang, Vladimir Iltchenko, Owen Miller, Peter Rakich
Numerous modern technologies are reliant on the low-phase noise and timing stability performance of microwave signals. Substantial progress has been made in the field of microwave photonics, whereby low noise microwave signals are generated by the down

Laser-power consumption of soliton formation in a bidirectional Kerr resonator

March 5, 2024
Jizhao Zang, Su-Peng Yu, Haixin Liu, Yan Jin, Travis Briles, David Carlson, Scott Papp
Laser sources power extreme data transmission as well as computing acceleration, access to ultrahigh-speed signaling, and sensing for chemicals, distance, and pattern recognition. The ever-growing scale of these applications drives innovation in multi

Debye-Waller Effects in Bethe-Salpeter Calculations

March 3, 2024
Eric Shirley, Joseph Woicik
We present a method to incorporate Debye-Waller effects on core-excitation spectra in methods other than real-space multiple scattering formulations. The method draws ideas from multiple-scattering theory to realize effects of variations in interatomic

Photonic bandgap microcombs at 1064 nm

February 27, 2024
Gregory Spektor, Jizhao Zang, Atasi Dan, Travis Briles, Grant Brodnik, Haixin Liu, Jennifer Black, David Carlson, Scott Papp
Microresonator frequency combs and their design versatility have revolutionized research areas from data communication to exoplanet searches. While microcombs in the 1550 nm band are well documented, there is interest in using microcombs in other bands
Displaying 101 - 125 of 2430